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Renjun looked around the place, feeling proud of Jaehyun that he won but also a bit worried, for some reason, that Jeno lost. The tall man made his way to the small group that consisted of his friends and wrapped his arm around Taeyong's small shoulders. He looked really proud of himself because he won the first race in that night. 

"Good job." Johnny patted his shoulder and showed s smile. "For a second I thought Jeno will win." As he said that, he glanced over at where the brunette was talking to his friend and surprisingly, Mark Lee. Renjun looked in that way too and frowned. What was that guy doing with the two when he disliked them? 

As he watched the three, he noticed how annoyed Jaemin looked and after Mark left the two looking all relieved for some unknown reason, the raven haired male looked even more pissed off. 

"Hey! Guess what? Good job back there by the way Jaehyun." Mark said cheerfully when he joined them and startled Renjun by hugging his shoulders. His smile became a smirk when he looked at the younger. "Guess what?" He led him away from the group and even if Ten furrowed his brows, feeling that something was off, Mark ignored him and kept on leading Renjun away until they reached his red car. 

"What is it?" The blonde haired male asked in confusion, not knowing if he should fell concerned or not, because the way Mark was looking at him, made the older look really intimidating. "Could you please speak and not stare at me as if I'm a thing or something?"   

"Right, sorry, I'm just excited and this is my face when I'm excited." The brunette then giggled and hid his hands in the pockets of his jeans. "You're going to race tonight and as a matter of fact, I found you two competitors that are on your level." His smirk grew wider as he glanced behind, at the two best friends that seemed like having an argument. 

When he realized who were the competitors Renjun's jaw dropped. 

"Y-You can't be serious." He stuttered and looked away from the two. 

"Why wouldn't I be?" Mark asked in response. "Look, I don't like them either, but they're the only ones on your level. Also, I know Ten will be angry but I'll try talk to him okay? I happened to overhear your conversation earlier, but don't worry, I didn't tell anyone and I don't plan to. Try have some fun tonight okay?" 


"Nice." Mark giggled again and ruffled Renjun's hair with one of his hands, startling the younger. "See you later then. I'll announce you when you'll race so just admire the others for a while." Turning on his heel, the brunette waved his free hand as he started walking away. 


Mark stopped and looked at him a bit, his smile not fading away as he said: "No problem." Then he left and joined Donghyuck while wrapping his arm around his friend's waist. That small movement made Renjun think that the two might have been more than just friends, because when Donghyuck leaned and whispered something in the older male's ear, Mark chuckled and pulled the younger closer to him. 

Looking away, the blonde guy decided to walk around the place, because in less than ten minutes another race was starting. His hands suddenly became cold which was a sign of his anxiety. Of course he was happy to race and especially with those two who caught his attention so much, because after he competed against Jaemin, he realized how good they were and Mark was right, they were the only ones at his level.  

As he was walking alone, not really looking in front, Renjun bumped into a chest which made him stumble, but the same person he bumped into, held his wrist to prevent him from falling. He was about to thank the stranger when he looked up and saw a handsome face. Seeing the glare Jaemin was giving him made Renjun pull himself away from the taller. 

"This is already fate, isn't it?" The raven haired male said coldly and stepped forward. He looked really pissed off. 

"W-What do you mean?" Renjun asked back while backing away slowly, but Jaemin was still coming closer.

 The younger chuckled. 

"I'm referring at the fact that we're going to race against each other again." 

Hearing his statement made Renjun stop suddenly. He clenched his fists and when he looked back up at Jaemin, he gave him a glare just like the one he received earlier.   

"What's your deal? I only won once and you're so mad. Maybe I'll lose tonight, who knows?"  

The raven haired male stopped as well, few inches away from the older, but he suddenly grabbed Renjun by the collar, making him float a bit in the air because his feet couldn't touch the ground. His hot breath that smelled like mint touched his face. 

"Don't play innocent here. I know why you're here after you almost died." Jaemin smiled and let go of him roughly, making Renjun stumble backwards. "You were that good seventeen years old racer am I right? The one who was part of the mafia without his parents knowing, the one who almost got into jail without no one knowing." 

"H-How do you..?" 

No one knew about that, not even his parents. He made sure to hide any evidence just in case, but how did Jaemin know? 

"Oh, right, I forgot to tell you." The younger crossed his arms over his chest. "My dad was the one who gave you help those years and because of him no one knows about you got away from jail. You should step away while you still can, because if I lose one more time I'm gonna be angrier than I am now." His pale hand reached Renjun's face and with his finger, he caressed his cheek softly. "You should be a good boy from now on okay?" 

A cold and fake smile formed his lips as he walked away, leaving the blonde man stunned and frozen in the middle of the parking lot.   

I know this was random but I'll explain it in the next chapter, about everything Jaemin knew about Renjun. 

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