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Renjun woke up the other day really early, too early than he used to. He got out of his warm blankets and ruffled his blonde hair on his way to the window. The sky was still a bit dark, normal for the beginning of the spring. It was barely six in the morning, but some thin orange and pink lines appeared on the sky. He would have slept more, but he wasn't tired at all. He remembered the other night and a small smile formed his lips. 

The blonde male knew that what he did last night was a mistake, but he also knew he craved for street racing and cars like he did when he was younger, before the accident happened. A sigh escaped his soft and pink lips as he ran a hand through his light hair again. Renjun opened the window a bit and leaned by its sill, his eyes closed, feeling the cold and fresh air touch his face softly. 

The boy decided after some good five minutes of just standing by the window, to go downstairs. He opened the door and stepped out, on the silent corridor. He could hear someone in the kitchen and when he reached the living room, he saw light coming from the other room. 

"Why are you up so early?" His older brother, Kun, who was preparing for work, asked and stopped making his coffee. "You don't have classes so early in the morning."

"I know." Renjun replied and sat down at the table. "I just don't feel tired anymore."

Kun nodded his head in reply and turned around so he'll pour some coffee in a cup. "Where were you last night?" His question made Renjun flinch a bit. "I saw the sport car you exited." The older turned around, with the white cup in his hand. He looked disappointed and worried. "You said you'll quit. You said you're afraid."

"I am." Renjun didn't want to raise his voice, but he did and he regretted immediately. "It's just.... I don't know." He sighed again and looked helpless at Kun. "I still want to drive again, but I'm afraid that this time I'll never wake up again if something happens."

"Me and mom would be devastated if something like that would happen to you." The brunette sat across from him and took a sip from his coffee. "I won't stop you, even if you decide to start again and I won't tell mom either, but take it easy and be careful. Also, try not to do anything illegal again. This time we won't be able to get you out if the police finds out."

"Thanks." Renjun mumbled and showed a small smile after he heard his remark. Kun was right, this time he won't be joining any juvenile center since he was an adult now, which meant that if he did anything illegal and the police found out he would become friends with the cells in a jail. 

Kun smiled back, completely ignoring his worried face. "Who was the guy who gave you a ride home anyway?"

"One of Ten's friends." Renjun replied shortly, snapping out of his thoughts. Yangyang was cool, he thought, like really cool and he was glad Ten introduced him to the brunette. When he saw the look Kun gave him he sighed in annoyance. "Don't give me that look, you know Ten wouldn't have bad friends."

"I know, just be careful okay?"

When he was done drinking the coffee, Kun stood up and washed the cup. He then ruffled Renjun's hair before stepping out of the house to go to work. The younger was left alone in the illuminated kitchen, the only sound that could fill his ears being the fridge.

He looked at the clock from the wall and sighed. His classes would start at nine and it was barely seven. Standing up from the chair, he left the kitchen and went down some stairs until he reached the door of the underground garage.

His heart started beating faster at the thought, but he pressed the doorknob and opened the metallic door. The garage was filled with darkness but Renjun turned on the lights. They had three cars in total, two since Kun already left to work. The car from the end of the garage was his yet Renjun never used it.

The blonde male stepped closer to the red Ferrari and felt his heart almost exploding. He touched one of the shining doors of the sport car and felt chills down his spine.

"What a beauty." He whispered and circled it twice. It really was a beauty and he felt bad for not driving it once.

Some steps could be heard upstairs which made Renjun look at the door. His mom woke up and she was coming there since she most probably saw the light from the stair case turned on.

"Renjun? What are you doing here?" His mom asked when she stopped by the door, still in her pink pajamas. Her eyebrows furrowed as she looked at her son. "You never wanted to even see it."

"Yeah, it's a shame though." Renjun admitted and gave her a small smile before glancing again at the vehicle. "I'll use it from now on."

"Sweetheart." His mom came closer and ran a hand through his hair like she always did when he was little. "We can always sell it."

"No." The blonde male almost backed away from her. He lost one Ferrari, he couldn't lose this one too. "This is something precious to me, even if it reminds me of the accident. You know cars are my life." His mom nodded silently and crossed her arms. "And you and dad bought this for me and I never got the chance to use it properly. I want to drive it from now on."

His mom sighed but agreed. "Fine, but no more street racing and dirty money okay? I don't want to see my son surrounded by such dark stuff ever again." Her soft hand reached his and held it tight. "Just so you know, you never disappointed me okay? I just don't want to see you there again." 

"I know." Renjun looked back at the red sport car. "I won't ever do it again and that's a promise." A lie actually, that was only a lie, because the urge to race again was deeper than he thought at that hour.


Renjun drove the car inside the campus. He was finally happy, he didn't know why, but the moment he jumped into the driver's seat, he knew he belonged there. He belonged in that car. He belonged in that world.

He parked the car next to Yangyang's McLaren and stepped outside of it. Then the stares came and he suddenly felt uncomfortable.

"Nice ride you got there." A voice said from his right and when Renjun turned around, he saw the purple haired guy from one of his classes. He was leaning by his yellow Mercedes, his arms crossed over his chest while the sun sent highlights in his hair. His brunette friend was smoking from a vape pen, but he tilted his head a bit and gave the blonde male a smirk.

"Thanks." Renjun said shortly, not knowing if he should go or start a conversation with the two. 

The purple guy left his friend to the car and walked over to Renjun who felt really uncomfortable by the sudden unwanted attention he was receiving.

"We saw you with Yangyang at the club yesterday." The guy said and glanced over to his friend who placed his vape pen inside a pocket from his leather jacket and joined the two. "I'm Donghyuck by the way. This is Mark."

"What's up?" The brunette tilted his head as he rested his arm on Donghyuck's shoulder. They looked really intimidating, Renjun thought.

"I'm Renjun."

Donghyuck smirked, showing his white teeth. He then ran a hand through his soft and colorful hair.

"We know. You were quite popular back then." Renjun suddenly felt exposed. So they knew what happened, but why did they seem so chill? "If you wanna come back, you'll need a group of people you can trust you know that right?"

"I can handle things on my own thanks." The blonde male tried his best not to sound rude.

Mark chuckled. "Sweetie, we're trying to be friendly here, no need to be so annoyed. Besides, didn't Ten tell you? We're his friends too."

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