Chapter Thirteen

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Update= in chapter Twelve, I changed it so the parents have names of my choice. Moms name = Aiko
Dads name = Ren
feel free to change the parents name.

-Quick editing-

Back with Mina, Kirishima, Shinsou, Denki, and the principal.

"We might know someone." Mina, Shinsou, and Denki said.

"Oh, who is it, I'd be lovely to ask some questions." The principal said sipping his usual tea.

"Well, it's a student here actually." Shinsou said.

"Oh, well who could this person be?"

"Well, they might not have all the information, but it's Kyouka Jiro. They haven't been getting along lately though."

"Mina and I used to go to middle school together, I don't know anything though, I know she lived with her single mom. I think she passed though.. not very sure, man."

"Oh right! Me and Y/n where best friends till she told me her past... I was a jerk back then. Though, she did live with a single mother who died... I think at the end of middle school I'm not sure if that's right.. anyways, Y/n was only adopted by that lady."

••~•• back again ••~••

So we're at a house... I couldn't see anything when they brought me here I think I was passed out at that time.. How long do I have to wait for this Ren person to come?

Hours later

"Yeah, they did get our precious daughter. They did good work but we have to help them sometime for a pay. I don't mind, there's not a lot of things we do so I'm going to join in with them to attack the school and kill that All Might man."

"Oh, well could I join in too. I finished that last job."

"Ah yes of course my beautiful darling"

"Ahah, stop it you're embarrassed."

This is getting quit weird, but I know their plan.. once I get out of here I'll tell Mr. All Might and the principal.

"Okay, let's go in the room, get your serious face on! No more blushing and fooling around!"

"R-right darling." Ren said following behind Aiko walking in the room.

"Oh is that out Y/n!? You've grown much sense we've last saw you. Ahh, you used to be so small." Ren said drifting off in memory's.

"Ahem- Ren darling, snap out of it." Aiko said with a twitching smile.

"Right, sorry dear. I've just missed Y/n lots but it was to bad she had to follow us and we had to abandon her, hmm Y/n?"

"Well no need to miss her, you can put that angry, saddens or whatever on her later. But anyways, she's staying with us forever."

"W-what.. why..? You said to live on and do what I want!" Y/n yelled tugging her arms which where held back by the chains.

"Oh darling... that was for some reasons. one, before we would find you again.. and two we didn't think you'd want to become one of those... nasty "hero's' now did we?" Aiko said with a laugh.

Y/n was now silent.

"Yes.. how about we un-chain you and have a normal.. father-mother-daughter talk. Hmmm?" Ren said walking towards the chains un-doing them, removing from her wrists.

"Whatever.. now what is is? Why do I have to be here. Why'd you let them take me away." Y/n mumbled the 'whatever' and said the rest aloud rubbing each wrist with her hand.

"Let your mother speak." Ren said when he stoped walking towards Aiko.

"Yes darling.. now how do we start. Well, let's start from the way beginning... You where such a trouble maker and would try to follow us to our mission's, even though you had everything you wanted and needed! So, we called up an old friend of ours and well, we planed out a scene. He has a quirk where he can copy people's identity, he can do this from pictures to anything. He could create copy's and make them move like normal but they where just visuals, they tricked the mind thinking they're real" Aiko said with her finger on her chin and a smirk.

"Well, we also asked him to make fake rocks on top of us to get you scared and run up to us worried. Then he made one of the visuals take you, he can only make a couple of the visuals harden to pick up actual things though and well, that was that" Ren said shrugging.

"He made the visual bring you all the way to the adoption center and set you up on the front door. Then the adoption center person, obviously picked you up and brought you in. Amazing right? I know." Aiko said evilly smirking and winking.

"Then.. after all that we waited till you where older. And once we found about these details of this group of villains called the LOV, also known as 'The League of Villians' it was said among villians they're good trackers of this UA high school. We gave them a description of you.. and there you go, they found you. It was because of this toga girl, she was out and about and happened to see or smell blood I'm not sure, something like that. Anyways so she went to check it out.. and it happened to be you, my darling. So she called up Shigaraki, brought you to their hideout and we then took you in and brought you to our home."

"Yes, yes, which we're at right now, you're beginning child-hood home. I assume you never told anyone about you're past and just wanted to move on, which I believe I am correct. So no one, knows about here." Aiko said evilly smirking once again.

"Ha! Unbelievable, no one can help you now my darling.. now you have to become a villain." Ren said laughing.

"Lock her back up, Ren. Let's get her training things ready for tomorrow. Sleep tight darling, get read for hell tomorrow."

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