Chapter One

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A/N- This book ends up going into 3rd person POV, I think in like chapter.. Three

I'm Waiting at the bus stop near my apartment, where I live alone. I just hope that all this practice by myself will pay off.

The bus comes a couple minutes later nearing to a stop. I hope this will be enough money to make it to Musutafa, Japan; where the one and only U.A High School is, to become one of the greatest hero's.

"Hello ma'am, that will be xx¥
(A/n/ ¥ aka Yen, what they call there money)

I have just enough!

"Thank you ma'am, have a nice ride."

.. where do I sit? Hmm looks like theres a spot here. Guess I'll just sit here.

***A bit into the bus ride, at a stop***

"Ah... looks like there's no seats left, I guess I'll have to stand.. but I'm so sore"

Hmm.. I should let that pregnant lady sit in my seat.. I mean, isn't that what a good hero would do?

"E-excuse me ma'am, would you like my seat? I don't really need it anyway"

"Oh, if you really don't mind, I will."

"Don't worry! I really don't mind standing or anything, I'm just doing a good deed! Plus I'm getting off soon."

"Oh thank you so much dear, you are a very kind young lady."

"Thank you"

That lady's really friendly... she's probably only being nice to me because I was friendly to her... no, no. We don't need to think negative today! We need to get pumped up for the exam or we won't pass!

We can't get nervous now, We got this! We're gonna make friends, forget about the past, and maybe even get a...

Actually, what gender do I like? I haven't actually thought about that...

Whatever! Let's not think about that now! Just smile and get ready to get off the bus pumped, this ride's gonna be over soon, so let's hope for the best!!

***A little while later, at the stop***

Why is everyone staring at me? Am I doing something wrong.. what do I do?! I'm smiling, that should hide the fear!!

"Yo, dork. Your smiles kinda creeping everyone. Anyways, you look cool, I like your  h/c hair. What's your name? I'm ———

to...BE...C             ntinued~
                  O       O
                     o   o

Who do you think it is lol

I'm not sure if that's the right location for the school.. I looked it up so it should be.

Omgggzhdhsh this chapter is cringyy.
just some boring randomness to read while you get to the school and meet— wait I can't tell you ;)))

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