Chapter six

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3rd Person POV

Y/N and Jiro found their way to the classroom 1-A. They step inside their classroom and there is about 19 people, counting them 21. Finding seats, they sit down and chat waiting for the teacher.

"So, Y/N do you work at a music shop?" Jiro stated.

"Yeah, I do, how'd you know?" Y/N was shocked Jiro knew, how'd she figure that out?

"Ah! It was you. Well, my parents own a music shop and I thought the person looked familiar. So you work their.. guess I was right!" Jiro clapped her hands once, smiling.

"Oh wow I didn't even know! Your parents have a nice shop! And they talk about you a lot, I'm glade they let me work there. Thank you!" Y/N stated smiling and bowing for her thanks.

Soon enough after some more talking, their teacher walked in sipping a little Apple sauce pouch with a yellow, sleeping bad over their body.

"Everyone settle down and sit down. I'm Shouta Aizawa, call me Mr. Aizawa. During training or out in public call me EraserHead.
Now, everyone is going to change in PE clothes, they're supplied right over there. Go up and grab them then go straight to the changing room. Meet me outside." Their new teacher, Shouta Aizawa said, with his tired, slurred words, climbing outa his sleeping bag, pointing to the wall with mettle boxes with their seat numbers on them.

"To many words... ugh now I have to train them or whatever I'm tired" Aizawa grunted to himself while everyone got up.

"I'm tired also" A Male voice also said.

Everyone grabbed their metal box and headed to the changing room, well, trying to find out where it is first.


"Alright, now that everyone is here let me explain what we're gonna do." Aizawa said looking at everyone that crowded around in a group with his tired black eyes.

"Okay, so we're doing some test things, if you fail, your getting expelled." He said in his normal tone.

Everyone was panicking, if they didn't pass they where gonna get expelled?!

"You can't do that!" A female voice shouted. "We tried are best to pass the exams and your just gonna expell us!" The same female shouted.

"Oh that's the brown float girl I saved at the exams.." Y/N whispered to Jiro.
"Oh, that's cool. Do you think we're actually gonna get expelled?" Jiro whispered back.
"I dunno.. I mean, we've already made it in with fare amount of points, so why would he expell us?"
"Actually he's expelled a whole class before." A tired males voice said next to the two females.
It was a light purple haired boy, with similar eyes to their teachers except purple and more visible eye-bags.
"I'm Hitoshi Shinso, nice to meet you." The same, purple haired boy said.
"U-umm hello. I'm Y/N L/N and this Kyouka Jiro. Has he actually expelled a whole class?"
"Yes he has." Jiro, Y/N and who ever overheard/was being noisy and herd their conversation was even more scared. They needed to try even harder!
"You wanna be friends Jiro and Y/N?"
"Sure! More friends the better."
"Sure I guess."


In the end, it was all a joke. He wasn't actually gonna expell them, It was "to make you guys do your best". The scary part is he actually had expelled a whole class, but he has higher hopes for the kids (shhh don't tell them)

"I only passed from one test! I'm glade it was actually fake." Y/N said swiping a little tear of sweat of her face.
"What test did you win again?" Jiro said taking a sip of water
"Oh, I passed the running test. I slowed down a girl named.. Toru, I think her name was, with my quirk."
"Well at least your singings nice" Jiro laughed a little.
"Yeah you got a nice voice there." Shinso also complemented her.
"Alright students hurry up and get inside."Aizawa said already leaving.


"Alright now that everyone is here or whatever, it's the end of the day, blah blah. You guys are gonna have dorms so bring your junk tomorrow and we'll take the day off and set up everyone's dorm or whatever. It's free rent by the way, we don't want anyone getting attacked or something, I don't know. Kay' leave, out of my class go get your bags or whatever.

745 Words, is this a long enough chapterrrr?
I did some editing so if there's like spelling or something sorry not sorry 😐

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