Chapter Two

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Someone comes up next to me, they have purple hair and this charger looking thing on their ears. She chuckles and says-

"Yo, dork. Your smiles kinda creeping everyone out. Anyways, you look cool, I like your h/c hair. What's your name? I'm Kyoka Jiro"

Hmm she's really pretty..

"O-oh hi. I'm uh- Y/N L/N. Your r-really pretty."

"Thanks, and that's a cool name. You wanna be friends? I know we just met but ya know, why not?"

"Sure! So, you wanna be a hero too?"

She chuckles

"Well, I'm here ain't I?"

I hope we both make it in...

"Well then, I wish you luck!"

"You too. You know, we should probably start heading to the stadium."

"Oh, yeah! You wanna sit next to eachother?"

"Sure, you wanna meet up after y/n?"

"Umm sure."

+after all that test junk stuff+

Me and my new friend, Jiro met up after the exam. We met at the entrance and walked down the path to the road.

"So, where are we going? I've never been in this area before so I don't know where we are"

She starts chuckling..

"So your new to this town huh? Well I was thinking.. maybe we could grab something to eat cause it's late. And then we could figure something out. Sound cool with you?"

"I live in a town a ways from here.. but that sounds alright Jiro-San!"

"You know, you don't have to add the '-san' to my name.."

"O-oh sorry, Jiro-sa- I-I mean Jiro."

"It's alright I don't mind, you can call me whatever you want."

"R-right. Same, you can call me whatever too"

+time skippppp at homeeee+

Few.. finally at home, I'm glade I have another friend... well instead this is a real friend not an online one.

We exchanged numbers so we could contact one another with are results.

I hope I pass... and I hope she did too.. well, I guess I'll find out soon anyways.

I couldn't exactly use my quirk, because that would count as the persons points.. they where the ones destroying the bot not exactly me. So I had to use body combat.. like my hands and legs. I also remember that I saved a boy, and a girl.. I might get points for that.. but I don't know.

Soon enough Y/N dozed off thinking...

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