Chapter Fifteen

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I switch between 1st and 3rd POV I think
Also maybe a trigger warning?



"Y/n are you ready" Ren said


"Aiko Darling, are you ready"

"Of course" She said with a smirk.

"Alright, turning on the bots in 3... 2... 1..."

" Bots activated " the bots said in a robotic voice soon dashing towards the two of them.

These bots don't have a human mind, I'm unable to control them. They won't be able to hear me.. I'll have to use close combat.

I'm just standing here as I heard each hit being landed on the bot by Aiko. I soon saw blood from her knuckles/hands going everywhere.

She really wants me to be a villain if she's going this far injuring herself.. or was this an everyday thing she does and then I'll have to do if I never get saved..

"Y/n! Get your ass moving, I'm not doing all this work just for myself! There's no warning. Ren, whip her till she gets at least a bot down!"

"Yes ma'am."

I couldn't stop the tears running down my face from the pain from both the bots and the whips. I felt each whip on my back as it drew blood and stained my shirt. It stung but I have to fight these bots. I need to get at least one down or he'll hit me harder, and do it for longer.

I had to keep each bot away from me and try to aim for just one.. how much longer. These bots are too much with the whipping in the back. If I'd just never got so worked up over a stupid crush I'd never be here..

When will they find me.. when will I be saved? Do I even want to go back? I thought they where hero's... are they even looking?


Sorry for the short chapter

Hopefully next chapter will be longer, I've been busy with school and stuff

How was the fight scene I guess, it really wasn't a fight scene tho lol, I don't know how to write fight scenes.

Anyways next chapter will be with Mina, Denki and ect.

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