Chapter Eleven

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I'm to lazy to edit, so not edited

*Days Later*

"Jiro still hasn't been hanging out with you y/n?" Denki asked as they sat at the lunch table.

"Yeah.. she hasn't been, but that's fine I guess. She also has been coming back to the dorm really late." Y/n responded back picking up some food to eat.

"So I guess it's just going to be us, and if Mina sits with us?" Shinsou said.

"I'll sit with you guys! Don't worry." Mina said sitting next to y/n pushing her.

Jiro and Momo walk over to their table. Jiro speaks up and says "Momo and I are dating." Then walks away to the next table with 1-a and 1-b students.

"We're not talking anymore so I don't care." Y/n whispered to herself and took a bite of her food again.

Shinsou, Denki, and Mina all looked at eachother.

"Well I guess that's out." Mina said breaking the silence.

"Yeah.." Denki and Shinsou both said.

*After lunch and Classes, Trigger warning*

Y/n walked to her dorm, Jiro wasn't in there so that was good. She locked the door then she walked over to her bed and plopped on it with her stomach facing down and she grabbed the pillow placing it up to her face and she screamed, also crying. She screamed till her throat hurt.

She then removed the pillow from her face and she was still crying. She couldn't stop, she kept thinking about everything over and over making it all worse.

She sat up and she moved her hand up to her mouth and stared biting the hand part below her thumb. With her other hand at the same time she started banging it against her head with her hand in fist form but using the thumb side. (A/n AGHH CRINGE- I WRITE CRINGENESS 😭)

She kept biting harder and harder and once she couldn't feel the pain of the tightness between her teeth and the skin. Eventually blood drew from her hand from the biting and she stopped. She brought her hands down in her lap and just sat their trying to calm down and stop crying- which wasn't working.

"My friend.. no, my crush is now ignoring me and dating someone else. I just don't understand why I'm so upset about this if.. if I've been through worse things." Y/n said hiccuping.

She soon passed out from all the crying and beating herself up.

*hours later*

"Y/n bro, time for dinner." A fain voice said from outside the dorm.


"Shinsou, Denki, Mina! Y/n won't answer!" The voice yelled, not as fain now.

"What do you mean?"

"I keep calling her name but she's not responding."

"Are you sure she's in here?"

"I'm pretty sure bro, I asked the others and they said they saw her go to her dorm."

"Maybe she's sleeping?"

"Well let's open the door."

"It's locked I already tried man."

"Let's go ask my dad if he has the keys for the dorms."

"Alright, we'll stay here and see if she comes out."

Some time later

"I asked him and he said go to the principal and get some."

"Alright, now let's go."

*unlocking noises*

"Y/n?" The person from the beginning said.

"The lights are off, turn them on Mina"

"Um sure Shinsou."

"Y/n's not here!?"

"The windows open.." Mina said.

"There's also blood?

"Alright we need to calm down. Denki where's the blood?"

"Right here" he said walking over to the bed and the trail that lead to the window."

"Oh wait, here's a note."

"What does the note say Kirishima?"

"Hm, it says..

'Dear person that found this.

I have token our precious pumpkin Y/n L/n back. If you want her back, you'll have to find her home town and where we're hiding.

Good luck ;)

- Some villain people ;)

"Is this a joke? I mean I thought we had good security."

"This is not a joke, go to the principals now and report. Make sure no one finds out about this, we'll just say she's sick." Aizawa said, he was standing at the door.

"When did he-" Denki said but got interrupted.

"Not now Denki- we need to go." Shinsou said.

Plot twistttttttttt 👅
Idk what this is.
And that crying session was I don't know. I just wrote words, from personal experience of break downs 😃

Who do you think the villains are😉

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