Very important A/n!!

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[ You can ignore if you want, I have finished this story ]

This is the same thing I wrote on my message bored but explaining more I guess

Alright so to start of with I am very much sorry! I really apologize to you readers who like this book and where waiting for the next chapters

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Alright so to start of with I am very much sorry! I really apologize to you readers who like this book and where waiting for the next chapters.

While reading this please don't forget that I'm still going to update this book , just not as often as I have been.

Lately I have had no motivation to writing a chapter, I feel as if I've dragged on this story when it probably could've ended if I written parts differently. And I haven't written in a month which I'm sorry about, but that was because my health. I've been going in and out of the hospital with appointments (you can skip this part of you want, it's just an explanation of why I've been going to the hospital if you do skip go to the next paragraph) because I've been having stomach issues that they can't figure out also my intestines nerves are all messed up, along with the communication to my brain and stomach, it's triggering my stomach to hurt when I eat even if it's a tiny bit. So I haven't had time to write anything with this issue and school.

Anyways, I'm thinking of starting a new book and maybe it will give me some motivation for this one.

Once again I am very sorry please don't hate me and drop this book. If you have any questions message me on here

I'll edit this chapter to tell you about the new book I'm gonna write ☺️

Stay safe everyone 💙

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