Chapter Sixteen

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Not edited😅😞
There's a tiny swearing only like 1 tho
Names might be spelled wrong

• At UA •

"Hey you guys, I'm very concerned why Mr. Aizawa hasn't been here... also that we haven't heard from Y/n either in a while." Class president, Ida said at the front of the classroom.

Kirishima, Mina, Denki, and Shinsou all looked at eachother.

"Ida, can you let the teacher know that we're talking to the principal, well be back... we also need Jiro to come too" Shinsou said.

"You guys can't go! You have to wait for the teacher, hey, don't leave!" Ida yelled.


"You guys have been going to the principals often... if you're not gonna say do any of you know why they've been going there a lot. Kirishima won't tell me anything and we're best bro's." Sero said looking at Kirishima

"If anyone knows please speak up now."

The four looked at eachother but Jiro slowly stood up...

"I... I don't know what's happening but... I .. I believe it's all my fault! Why Y/n is gone and everything.." Jiro said starting to cry.

"Jiro! Don't cry c'mon let's go to the restroom... Ida tell the teacher that we'll be back shortly" Momo said going to Jiro then walking towards the door, rubbing her back.

"Wait- you guys can't go, we need Jiro."

"Now's not the time, you guys made her upset... come on Jiro."

"Fine, how about you both come with us then."

"Fine, Jiro are you alright with that?"

"Sure..." she said Sniffling

The six walked out the door towards the principals office.

"Wait- why do people keep leaving, and when's this teacher supposed to be here..."

"Yo, glasses sit your ass down and shut it!"

"B-Bakugo! Watch your language" Ida said walking back to his seat.

"Ida! Are you alright?" Ochako said.

"Yeah Ida, I know Kacchan can be rude but don't take it to heart!"

"Really Midoriya, don't you mean he's always rude." Tsuyu said with her usual 'kuro' at the end.

- - -

"Oh, so you mangaged to bring Kyoka Jiro with you this time.. hm, but why is Momo Yaoyrozu with you?

"Well.... she won't leave Jiro."

"I have very good grades, I think I'll mange to skip one class."

"Alright then... so Jiro. I need you to tell me everything about Y/n L/n, I think you're aware that she hasn't been in school for some time and it is because she has been kidnapped on the xxx of xxx." Nezu said stopping to sip some tea, but he began to talk again:

"After some Investigations we found that the people who've kidnapped her where supposably these villains that have been dead for some time now, it's quiet strange. Anywyas, do you know anything.. and I mean anything about her, trauma, where she lives, she used to live... anything in particular?"

"Wait- so you're tell me that Y/n's been kidnapped? And you've felt the need to not tell any of our classmates, that is quite rude we've all been worried." Momo said before Jiro could answer.

"We are very sorry, we are unable too because this is a secrete investigation, if parents found out they will freak out and take their kids out of this school for their safety. But if you feel the need to tell your classmates go ahead, but they can't tell anyone, and we find out, someone will be in trouble." Nezu said

"Moving on, now Jiro, any information I need to know now."


"Nezu!..." someone bursted in huffing and puffing

"What is it- Shota? What's the matter why're you so out of breath? You're supposed to be on patrol for Y/n."

"S-shes here... she's back! She's at the school now.!"

"What?! Show me now. Kids, get to class we'll talk later at lunch." Nezu said getting out of his seat then running towards Aizawa.

- - -
So like...cliffhanger?

Lmao is this an actual cliffhanger tho i don't know.
Anyways , it's not that long I guess.

Should I start another book? I'm think a Villian Deku one... but I need a ship to go with Deku... but it has to be a hero like for example, Bakugo or something.
Give me ideaaaassss

Anywyas I'm on break this week so their might be some more chapters but I'm not sure.

See you next chapterrrr

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