Chapter Nine

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It was the end of their last period of the first day. Class 1-A headed to their dorm building; some went to their rooms, some sat in the lounge, and others went other places. Jiro and y/n went to their room to just hangout.

When Jiro and y/n made it to their dorm Jiro turned around quickly,
"Y/n! They brought your bed here, let's set it up."

"Alright, well let's go."

They walked into the white walled dorm that was split between the two, the right Jiros side and the left y/n's. The two went to the box that had the bed pieces.

"The box is sealed.. got any scissors?" Jiro said looking up from the box.
"Umm I don't think I have any.. I'll go to the kitchen and get some, be right back." Y/n said walking towards their door.

Y/n walked out the door and through the halls, entering the lounge seeing some classmates. She walked pass them hearing them talk and some say 'Hi and Hello' to her.

She made it to the kitchen and seeing the same girl from middle school.. how did she not recognize her before? Mina Ashido, her old best friend.

"Hey y/n.. long time hasn't it been?"


"Hey.. I'm sorry about how I reacted I'm middle school, I'm different now I promise! Also, did you know that Eijiro Kirishima goes to this school also?! He has red hair now, stylish if I say so myself." She said smiling, acting like they're the same best friends in middle school, and nothing ever happened.

"Y-yeah. But I'm sorry.. I can't exactly trust and forgive you right away. We can still talk as classmates if your fine with that.

"That sounds good, and hey, it's alright! I'll prove myself and we'll be all good!"

"Alright.. but umm do you know where the scissor's are?

"Yeah, here you go" Mina laughed handing y/n the scissors.


On her way back she heard Mina say to herself
'Same truthfulness as middle school huh.'

Y/n walked back to the lounge and she heard someone call her name, she looked back and it was Shinsou.

"Umm yeah Shinsou?"

"Hey, could I come hang out with you?"

"Umm sure, let's go."

They walked pass the lounge, to the hall then to Jiro and Y/n door.

"I hope you don't mind we're setting up my bed.."

"Oh it's cool, Denki and I set up his bed earlier. I also wanted to talk to you guys about something.."

"Well alright." Y/n said walking in the dorm.

"Hey Jiro Shinsou wanted to come with me so, he's here."

"Alright, that's cool, Shinsou, you could sit on my bed if you want."

"Alright, thanks."

Y/n walked over to Jiro and the box handiby Jiro the scissors and saying 'here'.

"Shinsou, what did you want to talk about?"

"Well.. umm. How do I say it? So, you know Denki? My roommate, well- bro I think he's cute."

"That's one way to come out as a gay or whatever person" Jiro said chuckling and cutting the box open.

"I- I guess. Well, what do you guys think..? Are you fine with.. with me liking boys?"

"Of course Shinsou, it's not are job to boss you around for who you like. Plus, my adoption mom was lesbian." Y/n said turning around and  softly smiling at Shinsou.

"Adoption mom?" Shinsou said confused.

"Whoops, well that's a story for another time." Y/n said turning back to the box.

"Anyways, It's cool bro I'm Bisexual so it's fine." Jiro said taking some parts out of the box.

"Hey Y/n, sense we're talking about this, what's you sexuality or whatever."

"Oh.. umm never really thought about it. Maybe Bi? I don't really know.."

"Well, you'll find out sooner or later." Jiro said looking at y/n and winking.

"Anyways, so you think this Denki kid is cute? So you got a crush I see." Jiro said looking at Shinsou wiggling her eyebrows.

Shinsou looked away blushing a little and said "I-I guess"

"Bro now that your here, help us with this bed."

"R-right, of course."

HmMmM some secrets been told 😏

Yo I'm sorry if you don't ship🚢Shinsou and Denki but that might just go down🥴

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