Chapter Twenty one

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- Continued -
Short chapter - not edited

I find out then and their

I get kicked and punched in the back making me drop

There's another one?!

I thought there would be only one to defeat but no?

This time I'm having a hard time moving

Wait where's that All for one guy?

Everything's spinning and becoming black

What's happening?!

As I start to wake up from blacking our I hear talking. But I don't understand

"—- what's going on?! Toga! Can you hear me!"

"Just let them, Umm get you out don't worry. I have a new weapon."

Who's this new weapon.

"Ah! Y/n you're finally awake! How do you feel"

"W-what do you mean how do I feel?"

"Ah right. You have the power now. You're the strongest Villian in the world!" Aiko said clapping

"Anyways I have an emergency to deal with and.. you're coming with me, I need you for this one, see you hve some importance now. Let's go."


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