Chapter Twenty Three

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After a long slumber y/n finally wakes up..

"Oh! You're finally awake I thought you where dead or something!"

"Ah.. sorry."

"Oh no hunny, it's perfectly fine you've been through a lot. If you're ever having a hard time you can come back anytime."

"Yes.. I'll make sure... may I be dismissed?"

"Of course.. go ahead."

"Thank you for helping me." Y/n said leaving

"Oh wait Y/n—"

She's already gone

I never thought of what I was going to do when I got back.. I doubt my uniform will fit me.. probably too big. But let's get ready for class even though I'm late

Click. The door made that sound and everyone shot their eyes straight at me. I was the eye of attention.. well I mean, I've been missing for months.. then their was a fake me.

I look like a rag.. I'm skinny and my clothes hang off my shoulders and I have to hold the skirt up..

My hearts beating fast.. everyone's staring.. do they hate me? I don't know why they would but..

Why're they staring?

Did I cause to much drama..

I'm overthinking.. I need to sit..

Take a deep breath and Just ignore them everything's going to be okay..

"Alright everyone get back to working! You can interact with Y/n later instead of staring" the teacher said then started to walk towards Y/n

"He y/n.. go to the office and ask for a new uniform.. I'll let you go because you haven't learned any of this from your absences." The teacher whispered.

"Alright.. sorry for the bother in your class.. I'll be going now."

"I-uhm excuse me principal Nezu.. but uhm.. I need a smaller uniform.. this ones way to big and the teacher sent me here to get a smaller one.."

"Ah Y/n! I'll of course get you a smaller one! How are you feeling? I hope you're not too overwhelmed!"

"Ah.. im doing fine sir.. everyone keeps staring at me.."

"They're just shocked you escaped from Villians! They probably think you're cool Everything will be back to normal just give it time!"

"Yes.. "

"Ah! I don't know if Recovery Girl let you know but.. you're going to be talking to some agents about what happens when you where with the LOV and of course your parents who's records aren't found because they're dead. But it seems that was false! They gave me some example questions so think about them. Here's the paper with the type of questions."

"Ah.. alright."

"Alright so I'll get you a new uniform as soon as I can.. you may leave now."

"Thank you, have a good day."

- idk skip to night cause I can -

"Hey Y/n! Was it scary being with Villians??"
"Did they do bad things?"
"Did you help them do crimes."
"Where they really your parents?"

All these questions where asked over and over..

Why can't things just go back to how they where.. I don't like this attention.

It reminds me of how people felt bad for me when my adoptive mom died.. I hate it.

"Alright everyone give her space!" Iida yelled

"Ah.. thank you Ida."

"It's my pleasure!"

"Hey Y/n! Can I talk to you?"

"O-oh.. hey Jiro.. sure."

"Let's go to our dorm."

"Hey.. so I didn't realize that Villian wasn't you, they sounded like you and everything! Also.. I'm sorry about how I was mean to you.. but hey! I broke up with Momo and I thought about it.. I actually didn't love her I just wanted the feeling of love."

"It's alright.. I understand."

"Can I give my speech that I told the fake you but i got interrupted?"

"..sure" y/n softly smiled..

"Oh! That's the first I've seen you smile sense you came back!  Now ahem! Here's my speech.
I was never in love with Momo, I fell in love with the idea of love but sadly, I never thought of the idea that it's not beautiful if I love her just to make someone else jealous. That someone to make jealous is.. you. I'm sorry.. I love you."

".. jiro, you broke my heart when you dated her, I loved you too early, and you loved me to late."

"B-but can we try? Please!"

"I don't think I can.. not right now. I.. don't want to be in the future if I can't forget the past." Y/n said as she sat their drowning in tears.

"Y/n.. look at me. What did they do to you. You where so happy.. you made up with your old childhood friend.. you made three other friends.. but one of those friends broke your heart but.. they apologize. They want to heal your broken heart."


"I'll help you.. I'll help you patch up your heart. I'll love you forever. I've thought this through.. I've been thinking about this every sense you where taken.. I didn't realize how much I needed you."

"Jiro.. it's a lot to handel someone who's broken.. not only broken from love but abuse." Y/n sniffled.

"Well.. I'll make you want to be in the future.. not in the future alone but.. in the future with me. As a hero! And we'll take down those villains.. together."

Y/n hugged Jiro and started tears started to tumble down soaking jiros shirt..

This is the warmth she's only felt once before.. and hopefully it'll stay forever

As long as I'm with you.. I'll feel love.. forever


Ahahaga that ending kinda sucked because I suck at writing and this my first story which I stopped half way through then finished in one day.



see you in my next book ;)
- - - - -
Blazin_Nymph quirk idea
@Diamondxuejin idea that happened in the story
@elicixcook an idea that happened in the story

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