Christmas Special

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**This chapter has been moved to the top**

CHRISTMAS 2020! (Not an actual chapter)

I just edited that picture lol ^

You do NOT have to read this chapter it's an extra (a one-shot) this has nothing to do with the story or it's settings. And some parts in this will also be found out later on.

Well if you're this far, it's about to get cringe.


Everyone was going to be gone for the holiday so 1-A decided to celebrate the weekend before Christmas break.

"Mr. Aizawa, Mr. Aizawa!"

"Huh- oh.. what do you want, why'd you wake me." He said in his cold, tired tone.

"Sense class is over for this week, we'd like to stay over this weekend and celebrate Christmas all together!" Mina said excitedly.

"I don't care what you guys do."

"Well.. we need to tell our parents but what if they don't believe us?!"

"Go to the principals and tell him, he'll call all of your parents. Now leave me alone." He said ducking his head in his yellow sleeping ba that was on the floor.

"Alright.. Who wants to go with me to talk to the principal?!" Mina yelled excitedly.

"If you don't mind, I'd like to go. If he doesn't accept, I'll bribe him with some money." Momo said.

"Alright! Then for sure he's gonna accept! Let's go!"

"Mina and I will meet you all in the dorms, start setting up. I'll pay for anything we don't have."

The two left the room with the others following but going a separate way, to the dorms.

"Heyyyyy kids! Wait- why are you all here?Aren't you guys going to go home for break?

"Oh hey dad, we're going to stay here for the weekend and we're celebrating Christmas early with everyone. Mina and Momo are asking the principal now but we're setting up"Shinsou said.

"We're back! Oh hey Present Mic! You wanna help? The more the merrier!"

"Of course Mina, I would never miss out of this advantage!"


"Mina you forgot to tell everyone. Everyone, the principal has agreed but we're only aloud to stay in the dorm building, no going inside the school building and we have to pick up before we all leave Sunday."


"TCH, stupid Deku! You messed up the wall string decoration!" Everyone herd from the living area.

"Ahh! I'm sorry Kacchan!"

"Broski's, Bakubro's not being very manly to Midoriya." Kirishima said walking out of the hallway to the living room were some people were.

"Someone should be with them so they don't fight." Y/n said.

"I'll go with them. Also Momo, I'm pretty sure we have everything we need so we don't have to run to the store!" Ochako said on her way to where Bakugo and Midoriya where.

**okay this is getting boring so I'm time skip for when they're done setting up**

"Alright everyone! Kirishima, Mina, Y/n, and I all thought of the best idea!! We should do secret Santa!" Denki said once everyone was sitting or standing in the living area.

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