A/N - 1,000 READS?!

171 3 4


I've never thought I would get this many reads, it might not seem like a lot but I don't careeeee

Yes.. I know it counts everytime one person reads a chapter but still , I'm really surprised and happy.

I'm also very sorry the chapters have been short and this book is Very cringe.. I think everything is cringe tho.

I feel scared to post a chapters as if someone's gonna like not like it or something i don't knowwww

Anyways .. sense we have this many reads I'd like to get any like request on something... like maybe a special chapter of some sort or idk anything I guess?

Give ideas please

Anyways, don't be scared to comment and vote on chapters I don't bite 👺

I do respond if I notice you commented.

Any questions, you can commmet or just Dm/Pm me, I'll respond as soon as I can.

Have a wonderful time 🥰

Wanna see a picture of my guinea pig I recently got 🥴😳
His name is Levi... I named him after Levi Ackerman from Attack On Tian🤑

 I named him after Levi Ackerman from Attack On Tian🤑

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Lmao Snapchat filters work on him😍

Lmao Snapchat filters work on him😍

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Him eating 😍
Ignore my arm ✨

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