Chapter Twelve

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PHEW! I was able to get a chapter out before Christmas, it's been busy Xp

Anyways, sorry for the bother.. now to the story!

Ps, sorry if I spelled any names wrong.

"Kirishima, Shinsou, Denki, and Mina, please come to my office." Nezu, the principal called over the intercom in class 1-A.

"You're excused." Aizawa said, then going back to teaching.

The four of them walked down the hall until they made it to the principal's door, they then knocks on the door

"Come in"

They all walk in and Shinsou says,
"You needed us sir?"

"Yes, please shut the door." Nezu said.

Denki, the last one to step in, shuts the door.

"Alright.. well I have some bad news. Y/n L/n, we haven't found her yet; we're still on the look-out though. But we're starting to lose hope on finding her, it's already a couple days and we have no signs." He stoped and took a breathe and looked at the 4 teenagers shown upon him.

"So.. I'd like to ask, after us searching through lots of her files through elementary to this year highschool, calling her emergency numbers- which has happen to be you all, and her mother- who seems who have passed. And we have no information, so I'd like to ask, do you guys have any clue where she lives, or places she's grown up- any type of personal information about her? Anything will due, along with if you know anyone else who knows info on her.

"What about Y/n's parents, doesn't she have their contact, she told me that they work a lot and are never home."

"I don't see no emergency contact of her parents Shinsou."

"Oh, well..."

They all looked at eachother

"Well we might know someone."

*With Y/n*

"Hello?" Y/n called out, within the darkness, which means she couldn't see and the cold floor giving her a chill.

She herd a *click* with light's suddenly flashing on, blinding her sight, until her eyes adjust with the lighting.

"You're finally awake, Y/n darling." A older female said with a smirk creeping upon her lips.

"H-how do you know my name and- who are you?!" Y/n stuttered I'm confustion and sacredness (that a word-?)

"Oh darling~" the woman said, walking closer to Y/n.

Y/n tried to move but her hands where locked, locked with a chain that connects to the wall.

"W-what?" She wispered to her self when she noticed the chains, tugging on them making clicking noises. she hadn't notice them before.

"Oh my darling, nothing to be scared of.. it's just me, your dear old-" The woman got cut off by a familiar voice.

"Oh, oh, oh!! Can I see her now? I wanna try her blood now, can I, can I? She's so cute, oh how's that Izuku kid! Oh and also that Ochako one?! Don't you go to school with them?" Said a girl with blond hair put up in two buns, one on each side of her head, she had fangs, and wore clothes that looked like a school uniform.

"Toga! Get back over here and leave them, you weren't supposed to interrupt!" A boy with purplish skin below the eyes and across the bottom of his face said, peeking through the door and looking at the girl, who's named Toga.

"Oh! Sorry Dabi!! But she's just so cute!"

"Ugh, doesn't matter now. You guys can come in, she knows both of your names now." The woman said facepalming and tapping her foot.

"I'm sorry about them" A guy with blue hair, hands all over his face and body said.

"It's alright, Shigaraki. You guys helped my husband and I find her so you guys should see her too."

"Aren't you three the villains from a while back..?" Y/n said confused.

"You are correct, miss. I am Kurogiri" A person- or more like a purplish-black cloud, said entering the room after Shiguraki did.

"Now that you've all introduced your selves, I'd like to finish." The woman, who y/n hasn't found out the name of yet, said.

"I, darling am your mother and your father happens to be out at the moment."

"B-but they're dead, so you c-can't be them!"

"Oh, you still remember that!" The woman said laughing maniacally with her hand on her face bending down a bit.

"Well of course she would remember.." Dabi wispered loud enough for them to here.

"Anyways, I could explain what really happened but I guess I should wait for your father.." The woman said ignoring what Dabi said earlier.

"Right.. well um.. what.. could I.. call you?" y/n said

The woman stated laughing again.

"I'm Your Mother, so mom of course!"

"Right.. um.. could I call you you're name? What .. is it?"

I need to get as much detail as positive, once I get back.. I can report this.

"Oh my, don't you remember?! You're making your dear old mom sad!" Y/n's 'mom' said making a pouty face.


"Well anyways, it's Aiko I guess you could call me that but soon enough, once you remember you'll start calling me mom again!" she said rolling her eyes and laughing.
(Idk I just looked up names on google)

"Alright.. Aiko."

"Well, I guess dear Y/n I have to leave.. we'll talk again soon when your father- I mean Ren.. comes home- I mean here." M/n said, walking out then the others following.

So I'm at a house..

"Well that was boring.. I really wanted her blood.." Y/n herd Toga say.

Welp.. this chapter came out later than I expected.

Remember the parents names okay, I changed this way after it's been updated, sorry I'll put a reminder next time.

Mom= Aiko
Dad= Ren

Chapters are (hopefully) gonna be longer due to the story now getting more into the plot.

I haven't updated much this month and I'm sorry!!
But wait for Christmas! There's gonna be a special chapter (not related to the story)

See you next time hope you enjoyed!

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