Chapter Twenty

136 2 1

— with real Y/n —
Not edited

"Y/n wake up. I have a visitor for you" Aiko said unlocking y/n from the chains connected to the wall.

"W-who is it?"

"Remember that friend I talked about a couple days ago.. well he's here. He's going to watch you train today to see if you have the right potential to hold his power and become a Villian."

".. right."

"So do your best! Or you're going to have to practice over your time."

"Y-yes I'll do my best!"

"Alright let's go I don't want to keep him waiting."

- - - Outside where the training area is - - -

"Ah~ you must be Y/n L/n! I'm All for one (idk his name sorry :/ )

"Ah yes. She'll be showing what she can do with these bots we have for training. The only thing is that she can't use her quirk because they don't have a mind set so she's unable to use her quirk." Aiko said

"Ah, that all right. But why couldn't she fight you for example."

"I- uh Zoe have the same quirk so that won't work out aha.."

"Alright it's fine. Now she me what you got already. She doesn't look like she's strong with all those marks."

"Ah- don't worry about those they're from something different.." Aiko said nervous, she wanted Y/n to be the successor of his power so she can become famous because of her daughter.

"Alright then, Y/n show me what you got."

"Y-yes sir."

- I suck at fighting scenes but I'll try -

As the robot got turned onto the highest setting it charged towards me.

I don't want all that power but.. what if it helps the hero's.. get the biggest strongest Villians power drained

The bot takes its arm and uppercuts my jaw, only to come with some stinging and a metal taste of blood.

I'll take the next move before it gets me again. I take my leg and swing it across aiming for its legs but it jumps.

Who knew robots could jump

It then swings its arms and hits me in my stomach

I drop,

In pain,

It stings,

That impact brings up the acid in my stomach, I haven't ate anything

I swallow it back down

I can't show my weakness I have to get this power for the hero's. Even if I wasn't asked

While I try to get up it punches me again.. I'm the nose

My eyes start to water

I don't remember it being this hard to fight

While it tries to aim for me again I aim for its legs trying to grab them but I know it's going to jump

I aim my arm up for its legs and drag it down to the ground then I get up and step on its legs so I can't get up.

Then I start punching it's face.

Sparks start flying out

I think I broke it.

I look over to Aiko and she smiles at me



Why do you think she's smiling 😼

Hehe next chapter soon after this is published I'll start it 😎

Most chapters won't be edited and some will be some-what edited

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