Chapter Seven

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3rd POV
(every chapters gonna be in 3rd unless I say)

Y/N wakes up early in the morning and checks over her bag(s) to make sure she had everything she needed for her dorm room at UA.

She spent half of the night making her hero costume; that's where some of her saved up money and the money from the week she worked waiting for the UA letter went towards.

She grabbed her bag(s) and headed out the door, making sure she had her ID so the security alarm/door wouldn't go off at the school. She then locked her apartment's door and started walking towards the school, it was a long walk but she would make it on time or even a little early.

On her way walking to the school she saw someone who looked like Shinsou on his phone inside a black car.

"Is that Shinsou? I should text him and ask" she said taking her phone out of her pocket and opening the message app.

S= Shinsou 😸
Y= you (Y/N) 😋

Y- are you in a black car?
S- LMAO stalker much? How'd you know🙀
Y- LOL i see you then😂
S- you on your way to school I can ask my dad's if they could bring you😺
Y- I mean if it wouldn't be a big deal..who's your dad's 😶
S- our teacher Aizawa and are English teacher Present Mic 😼
Y- oh💀
S- come over here I'm not walking to you😽
Y- alrighttttt lazy butt 😒

Y/N walks over to the black car as her light purple haired friend got out of the black vehicle.

"Wait here, I'll go ask them real quick." Shinsou said as he walked towards the door.
"Alright" y/n said standing their awkwardly.

After a couple minutes or so, Shinsou came back out.
"They said they didn't care and on the weekends when you half to go home, they could drop you off and pick you up if you wanted."

"That's awesome! Thank you so much Shinsou!"

"Sure, now get in the car cause I'm not standing out here"

They both got in the back seat's of the car and sat their.
"You need to work on your sleep schedule mister." Y/n said so it wouldn't be very awkward just sitting their.

"Oh hush it. My sleep schedule is fine. I go to bed at 6 o'clock-"

"Then why do you look so tired?!"

"Sorry, correction, I go to bed at 6 o'clock in the morning."

"Bruh— no. I'm gonna make you sleep."

"Nah you won't."

"Howwwwwww's it gooooooing kids!?" A loud voice said entering the passenger side, it was Present Mic.

"It's going fine dad, when's dad(2) coming."

"He's gonna be here in a minute. Helloooooo Y/N!! How are you?"

"I'm good. Thank you for giving me a ride to school, I really appreciate it. It's better than walking."

"Ah! It's no problem-!"

"Yamada your to loud." Aizawa said entering the driver side of the car. Soon Turing it on.

"Hello y/n, it's no big deal for driving you. Also thank you for being friends with Shinsou, he doesn't have very many."

"Jiro, him and I are already great friends! So no worries!


"Let's go Y/n, Iida will attack us if we're late even though it's not a real school day."

"Yeah, let's head to the classroom."


"Now that everyone's here, let's head to the dorm's and I'll explain things their." Aizawa said walking towards the door.

"Straight lineeeee! Bakugo, Stop doing that!" Iida said swinging his arms around and yelling.

"Hey Shinsou and Y/N! Iida's sooo bossy."Jiro said standing behind the two.

"He'd be a good class president." Y/N said starting to follow the people in front of her to the dorms.

"Yeah, with his bossiness and yelling at us all time he'd suit that job." Shinsou said following y/n.

Soon enough they made it to the dorm building.

"Alright let me explain what's happening. It took us longer to get over here cause some people weren't listing." He said looking at Bakugo.

"So now, there's not enough dorms cause the other class got here first, and some will have to share. One side is boys, one side is girls. Pick a dorm, bring your stuff in and let us know which ones yours and if your sharing, say who your sharing with." He said taking a breath break after.

"The room were in right now is the livingroom, which you can all, watch tv or do whatever. The kitchen's over their. Also no leaving this building past 7." Aizawa said with sleepiness in his eyes and words. After he was done talking the girls headed to their section and boys headed to theirs.

"Hey Y/N!" Someone yelled. "Wanna share a dorm?" Jiro Said running up to y/n.


This chapter's quick edited so sorry for mistakes.

Longest chapter so far?! 815 words!

I'll have to stop this here but I'll make an "extra" chapter part of Jiro and Y/N's dorm and them just hanging ya know. Also who Shinsou shares his dorm with ;)

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