Chapter Twenty Two

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This chapter has things being rushed but yeah sorry about that

Not edited sorry

With toga

This was a bad idea

Why did I think of this

I'm going to run out of time and then I'll be in jail forever

When's Aiko going to be here..

- time skip some time cuz yeah -

"Ah hello you hero's~ I heard my daughters in jail, how come?"

"Miss, why are you here. Y/n L/n's mother passed away a long time ago according to records. So leave."

"I'm good, thanks for asking." Aiko smirks then triggers her quirk and makes the hero's that where garding sleep.

"Alright darling you can come here now~.. Y/n?  Y/N!! ugh is her ear piece not working from the car."

With Y/n

She walks back out of the jail place to the car where Y/n had to stay, because they couldn't see two Y/ns or they'd think she escaped.

"Y/n I told you to come her so why aren't you-"

Y/n snuck behind her and nocked her out (you imagine how lol)

Then she ran to the school for help so she wouldn't be found again. She was stilling hurting from the fight earlier and she was starving.

She finally escaped

But how would they be convinced that it was really her. Toga was hiding to be her, so they wouldn't know who's the real identity. Unless.. they waited for her quirk to fade to reveal Toga.

Maybe they'll figure out it's actually me...

- time skip, she went to the school -

She burst through the school doors and the first person she saw was Aizawa. She ran straight to him.

"Y/n?! You're supposed to be in jail?! Why're you here! Come with me I'm being you to the office NOW!"

"Principal Nezu! Y/n is here again I thought she was put into a jail."

"She is? Wait.. why is she here? Let me call the hero's."

".. they said she's still their."

"What do you mean, she's right here."

".. maybe we're right about that hypothesis of a person using a quirk to change their form."

"Wait, this Y/n has cuts and brusies unlike the other one."

"They're obviously different. Y/n why're you crying?"

"I.. I escaped.. I finally escaped!"

"What do you mean you finally escaped? You've been here for weeks."

"That's not me.. it's a Villian named Toga. She takes blood and it makes her into that person... they did that so you'd stop looking for me.. but I finally got the chance to escape. My mother.. who's supposed to have been dead from years ago.. is working with the LOV and she took me so I could become a strong Villian and take All for Ones power. She was too old to take the power and the deal she made with LOV was that I get All for ones power and she'd help the LOV take over One for All. She heard that Toga got put into jail becuase you guys where suspicious of her, so she came her to get her out.. but she brought me to free the rest of the Villians. But I had to wait in the car because the hero's would see two of me.. and be suspicious. But I got out of the car and hid, then nocked her out and ran here."

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