Chapter Eight

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A/n - italics are a flashback/ past part. Remember that :)

The night before Jiro and Y/N unpacked and hung out. Soon after they went to bed- Jiro decided that they could share the bed till they get another one.

"Good morning Y/n." Jiro said yawning and hitting the top of her head.

"Oh morning..." y/n said sitting up and yawning also.

They both got up and they got ready and went to the lounge waiting for breakfast.

"Hey, Y/N. I forgot to ask you the other day or whatever, but why don't your parents just bring you here? I mean, I don't mind that we bring you but I'm just curious." Shinsou said, sitting next to his new friend and roommate, Denki.

"O-oh.. well.. their... hmm... their.. busy! Yes, their very busy with work." Y/n didn't know how to answer. She didn't want people to know here parents weren't... there.

"Alright..." Shinsou said looking at Denki confused but then Denki shrugged is shoulders with an 'I don't know' look.

"I need to think of a better excuse.." y/n mumbled to herself.

"What do you mean?" Jiro overheard what y/n mumbled to herself and was now curious.

Now y/n was going to have to tell her the truth.. what was she gonna think..? Would she still want to be friends after knowing the truth? Bad thoughts and Anxitey hit her.

"Are.. are you sure your not going to judge me? And.. and still be friends? Also.. you won't think I would do the same thing with my quirk to you..? Right? I.. hope not. I haven't had many friend before. But if you really want to know, I guess we could go to are dorm and talk." Y/n was nervous, this could go badly, or good.

"I promise! I promise I won't judge, and I will forever be your friend! And I know we haven't been friends for long, but I think your a kind enough person and wouldn't do whatever your talking about with your quirk." Jiro said with a cheerful voice and patting y/n on the back, also smiling.

This brought back some bad memories, those words she said.


"Alright so, your parents where villian's, they got crushed and made hero's murder them?! And it's 'all because of you'?! And now your living on your own and working."


"Nah bro! It's not your fault, It's their fault for making you live locked up not knowing anything about the world around you! If I ever had met them I wouldn't smacked them! That's totally not fare bro you were just curious so don't blame it on you. Also, I believe you would never make someone kill me or make me kill someone with my quirk."

"Right.. well this feels lighter in my chest now that, that's said to someone. The last person I told that to they-..."

Y/n stopped, the bad memories where flashing though her brain, overthink and anxiety also stuck her. What if Jiro was just lying- what if it's the same as middle school. The past that's been stuck with her along with her parents death, what's been stoping her from telling people her past and her quirk.

She was adopted by an older women for some time when she was young; up to middle school.

"Hey y/n! I have a question!" A young girl- one of y/n's best friend said.
"Sure, what is it?"
"Well, so remember the first time I came to your house? Well I've been meaning to ask, why's your mom so old looking? We're so young and she's old?!"
"Oh..." she's been dreading this question.
"W-well.. I guess you could say I'm adopted."
"Oh! How come you didn't tell me? I'm your best friend and best friends tell each other everything"
"I.. I don't know I guess."
"Well anyways, do you know who your parents where?"
"Well, yeah."
"Ooo! Spill the tea!"
"A..alright, but you promise we'll still be friends..?"
"Yes! Till the end, I promised!" She held out her pinkie finger, and y/n stuck hers out to. They made a pinkie promise.
"Well I guess.. my parents where.. they where villians and they got killed a long time ago.. from hero's."
"... what? Haha, nice one Y/n!" The girl said laughing and slapped y/n's back a bit.
"I.. I'm not joking, Mina."

I love Mina, but I had to have a bad character 😕
I'm not a fan of momo- but I think momo would've gone to a more expensive school and y/n wouldn't be able to pay for that—

So pretty much, y/n went to Kirishima's and Mina's school🤩

Kinda edited

Also remember italics are past/flashbacks!!

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