Chapter 25

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Very soon Kageyama and I found ourselves at the entrance of the festival. It was decorated nicely and definitely the place where couples would be.

Pink and red streamers hung along the oak wood fence. Happy faces and hearts were everywhere. I couldn't help but feel my heart skip a beat when I turned to see Kageyama looking back at me. I smiled and we walked around looking at all the different stations.

We first stopped by a booth where people could make origami hearts. After Kageyama was done with his, he handed it to me and said "Here this is for you" as he smiled kindly. "Thank you" I replied, returning the smile.

After we went to a tall pink Ferris wheel with bright red seats. I looked out at the open city of New York. "The view is beautiful," I said to Kageyama. Kageyama turned to look at me and said "Y/n I'm so glad you're back. There wasn't a day that I didn't think about you, I knew I was going to see you again but not seeing you every day felt odd as if a part of me was missing"

I smiled and said "I felt the same way. The program was amazing and I learned tons of new things but every time we were done baking I always wanted to call you and tell you about what I'd baked that day and how my day went" Kageyama's cheeks were looking slightly pink. Soon we were back on the ground looking for a new thing to try.

"Look, ice cream!" I said excitedly running over to the stand. "I'll have an umm strawberry delight," I said as I skimmed over the menu. "I'll have the same as her," Kageyama said, handing him the money. "Oh you don't have to do that," I said. "It's alright, it's my treat," Kageyama said smiling. "You guys are a really cute couple, how long have you been dating?" The man at the ice cream stand asked. Kageyama and I awkwardly looked at each other and simultaneously said "Oh we're not dating" "Hmm well I can feel a lot of chemistry between you" The man said as he handed us our ice cream. We smiled and found a place to sit. After we had finished our ice cream we walked around a little more admiring the scenery and the people around us so clearly in love.

I had begun playing on a claw machine with adorable teddy bears wearing bows and just as I lost for the 3rd time, Kageyama called my name. I turned to see him holding out a beautiful red rose. He handed it to me and said "Any luck?" as he walked to the claw machine. "Not really," I said as I admired the rose and smelled it. "I'll try," Kageyama said and he became determined to get me the teddy bear. After 5 tries he nearly caught it and as he was getting it to the dropbox the teddy bear fell out of the claws. "Aw, you nearly had it!" I said nudging his arm.

"Aw you're such a cute couple!" said a girl walking by with her boyfriend as they held hands. Before I could say anything Kageyama called out "Thanks!" I looked at him in slight confusion and said "Do we really look like a couple?" "Well, maybe but we are at a valentine's festival so it's safe for people to assume we're dating," Kageyama said. The mention of dating Kageyama, whether real or not, made my heart flutter.

We sat at an empty bench and watched the sun start to set. I clutched the rose in my hand and Kageyama said "It's getting late we should get going now" "Yeah you're right it's also starting to get pretty chilly too" I said as I took one last glance at the setting sun. "Here you go you can have this" Kageyama said as he wrapped his sweater around me. It smelled just like him and that made me never want to take it off.

"Do you want to come over to my apartment?" I asked Kageyama. "Yes," he said. After we had settled in I said abruptly "I know what I'm about to say is going to sound really selfish but I need to tell you. I've held back these feelings for months now because I was sure you didn't feel the same way but whether you do or not doesn't matter. I just need you to know my feelings. I realized that I love you and that made it so much harder to be apart from you for 3 months so I decided I was going to tell you when I got back. I know it's unfair to say it since you did the same thing a while back and I didn't return the feelings. You're under no obligation to even say anything I just need you to know that... I love you."

Kageyama stared wide-eyed at me for a few minutes before saying "I've always loved you. I felt guilty about being with Sara because I would think of you every moment of every day. I wanted to talk to you so bad y/n I felt like an ass for ghosting you because at the time you didn't feel the same way but Sara didn't let me talk to you so I felt like I was too late. I only said I saw us as friends because I thought you didn't have feelings for me and I was scared of rejection if I admitted my feelings to you again but y/n I love you and I always have."

We were so close to each other that we could feel each other's breath. Kageyama leaned forward and our lips met. Everything felt perfect. All of our worries had melted away as we kissed. It felt like the longest yet shortest moment of my life. We pulled away from each other and I felt my heart soar. I could tell Kageyama felt the same way. He was blushing madly and smiling as hard as he could.

I smiled back and said, "Do you want some blueberry chocolate chip pancakes?" I didn't think it was possible but somehow Kageyama had managed to smile even harder. "Of course I do, that's my favorite" "I know it is," I said as I smiled at him, and just like how it started, it ended.

Author's note- Thank you so much for reading my story. Though it's had a lot of ups and downs, I loved writing it. Please remember to upvote if you really liked it. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you all <3

If you liked this story please check out my new current story "Not Kageyama's Fangirl" It would be greatly appreciated!

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