Chapter 17

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TW; abuse 

I put a hand to his bruised eye and gently touched it. He winced. "Nobody did this to me. I told you, I'm fine" Kageyama said, staring at the floor nervously. "Do you really expect me to believe this just happened on its own? I'm not stupid Kageyama," I said a bit irritated that he wouldn't tell me. 

"Come on, we're going to my apartment," I said sternly. Reluctantly, he followed as I held his hand leading the way to the door.

 "Wow, I sure haven't been here in a while. I almost forgot what it looked like in here." Kageyama said with an awkward smile. "I... uh also heard Haruto cheated on you- uh again."

 "Yes as a matter of fact he did, I walked in on them doing it, but that's not the point. Don't try to change the subject," I said blankly. 

"y/n I can't tell you what happened, or else something even worse will happen," Kageyama said. "You're scaring me. I just need to know what's wrong so I can help you in any way possible" I said putting a hand on his shoulder and rubbing his back trying to comfort him.

 I made him a cup of his favorite tea and set it down on the table. "I can give you some time alone if you want, If that'll help you tell me," I said stirring the tea with a spoon. "Thank you," Kageyama said, softly. 

Half an hour later Kageyama called me back into the living room. "I think I'm ready," Kageyama said. He sighed and said, "Sara did it." "Wait what? Why would she do that?" I said. "Well, we sorta got into an argument. At first, we were just bickering and yelling then she suddenly started to get violent and she kept pushing me back but all I wanted to do was talk it out and I angered her to the point where she punched me in the face" he said with a sad look in his eyes.

 "Oh Kageyama I'm so sorry, is this the first time it's happened?" I asked. "No." He said quietly as he started to lift his shirt revealing bruises all over his chest, arms, and abdomen. I gasped in shock. "When did it start?" I asked soothingly. "A while ago actually, I noticed you weren't around your apartment for a week, I thought you might have moved but Sara said she saw you with a suitcase and said you were on your way to the airport.

 It began a little after you came back" Kageyama said. He sat in thought for a couple of minutes and tears started to fall onto his cheeks. "It's okay, I'm here for you. I said as I leaned closer to him. He flinched. "I'm not gonna hit you, it's okay. You're safe with me" I said putting my arms around him and pulling him into a soft hug. 

Kageyama sobbed as I held him in my arms. I had never seen him so emotional. A few minutes later his phone started to ding for what felt like 100 times. I grabbed his phone as I was nearest to it and handed it to him. I noticed ALL the text messages were from Sara.

 Kageyama quickly got up from the couch, put his shirt back on, and said "I have to go." I hurried after him and tightly hugged him before he left. I could hear his fast heartbeat. I whispered "Please stay safe, Kageyama" into his ear and before I knew it he was out of sight.

 I didn't hear from Kageyama for 2 weeks. I was immensely worried about him but I decided it was best not to text in case Sara got a hold of his phone. I was sitting on the couch watching tv when I heard a knock at the door.

 "Coming!" I said as I got up from the couch. I opened the door and saw Kageyama. "Can I come in?" He asked. "Yeah of course you can," I said as I opened the door wider for him to come in.

 He sighed and took a seat at the small table in the kitchen "I'm sorry I haven't been able to talk to you. Sara looks through my phone daily and she'd freak if she saw a message from you again" He said, looking scared. 

"Wait what? Does she not like me or something?" I said, confused. "Well not exactly, she's um... jealous... of you," Kageyama said awkwardly.

 "I came here to tell you the truth. When I first met Sara you could tell we got close and she told me she moved to new york because she's an... abuser. Her ex-boyfriend pressed charges on her for physical and emotional abuse and she fled. I promised her I wouldn't tell anyone but the situation has changed because we're dating now. I never planned to date her, it just happened on a whim, I didn't think too much about it but now she's abusing me, and uh you're part of the reason. She doesn't want me talking to you. I kept canceling plans because Sara didn't want me to see you. When I would try to, she hit me. That's also why I didn't wave to you when we went to the coffee shop. I swear I wanted to talk to you sooner but if I did I would be putting my life in danger. I missed you too much though, I had to get back in touch with you even if it meant risking it all. I just needed to see you, to talk to you, and see your face again." Kageyama said. 

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