Chapter 8

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"Y/n I love you. I always have. I never said anything because I didn't want to risk ruining the amazing friendship we have but I can't hold it back anymore. I love you and you're all I want. You are perfect for me and I think we are meant to be together." kageyama had just told me a secret he'd been holding back for years.

 To be honest a part of me already knew he liked me but I had realized when I started dating Haru. Maybe I like him too? No, I can't. I'm with Haru. "Please say something, anything." kageyama says looking up from his food staring into my eyes and at that moment I received another call from Haru.

 "Kageyama I'm sorry. I have to go" I said as I turned and left the restaurant, not looking back because I knew if I did it would only lead to sorrow.

 On the car ride home I couldn't help but think about what Kags had said. He loves me. He thinks we're meant to be together. At the moment my feelings were scattered and I didn't know what to think.

 In all my confusion I had failed to pay attention to the speeding car in front of me. Crash! I  felt the impact of the other car hit me as I spun out of control until the car stopped and flipped. Am I gonna die, I thought.

 I passed out and woke up surrounded by doctors and nurses all tending to my wounds. I had cuts and bruises all over myself. 

 "Ma'am? Can you hear us?" I heard someone say and I slowly nodded. I felt like I was suffocating. I had never felt this much pain before. I later fell asleep and awoke to Haru speaking to the doctor. "Is she going to be okay?"  "Yes she will be thankfully she only broke a rib and should be healed up in about 6 weeks." said the doctor.

 "Oh you're awake. How are you feeling babe?" Haru said. "I think I'm fine it doesn't hurt too much." I said. "That's because you're on pain meds." Kageyama said as he walked in. I could tell Haru didn't want kags there. "I'll leave you two to talk okay, I'll bring you a jelly from the cafeteria babe."

 Haru said as he pulled shut the door. "Kageyama I-" I began to say. "Y/n don't say anything. You were just in a car accident. I'm not gonna make you tell me how you feel about me" kageyama said, grabbing my hand.

 "Thank you. Just stay here, I really need the company." I said. "I'm so glad you're okay. I don't know what i would have done without you." he said squeezing my hand. "It's okay, I'm fine really," I said. 

"I got you the red jello babe." Haru said as he walked back in. "I think I'm gonna head out," Kageyama said waving goodbye. "Bye kags! I'll miss you." I said waving back.

  I was discharged the next day and I had limits to everything I could do. About 6 weeks later I was fully healed just like the doctor said. Kageyama said he wanted to talk about the dinner after I was healed because he didn't want me to stress myself out or cause me more pain.  He's always been caring like that. 

A week later I got a text from kageyama that said "Hey I think it's time. We need to talk." 

 I headed over to Kageyama's apartment and knocked on the door. He let me in and his scent lingered around the living room. I didn't want to do this.

 "So I think we should talk about dinner that night," I said. "I meant everything I said y/n it wasn't some type of prank or me being drunk, I know I love you and I know what I want." he said looking hopeful that I'd say the same thing.

 "Listen Kageyama" I said as I grabbed his hand and his eyes sparkled. "I feel like after all this time I had known you loved me but I never fully realized until I started dating Haruto and well I can't give you what you want.

 I love you but not in the way you want me to and I'm so sorry but I just I can't. I gave Haru a second chance for a reason. I love him and I want to see where we can go. Haru said he doesn't want us to be friends anymore because of your feelings for me but I don't want to lose you. 

You're my best friend and you mean so much to me."  "Maybe it's for the best." Kageyama said, staring at the grey carpet underneath our feet. "What? No it's not. You're too important for me to let go." I said. "y/n I think I just need to be alone for now. I need some time to rethink everything, You should leave." Hearing his words hurt more than anything. "Is that really what you want?" I said. "Yes it is now please get out." Kageyama said.

 "Okay, text me if you need anything" I said as I was closing the door. I started to cry as I got to my apartment. Did I just lose one of the most important people in my life? 

"Are you okay?" an unfamiliar voice said. 

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