Chapter 16

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It felt like life was starting to get back to normal. Kageyama and I were friends again. Though we didn't talk or hang out as much as we used to it felt nice to know that I had him on my side again.

 After we had left the bookstore we walked home together laughing like old times. When I got to my apartment I immediately texted Yachi about the good news.

 "Isn't that Kageyama?" Yachi quietly said to me as Kageyama and Sara walked in, holding hands. "Yeah, it is!" I said happily. They approached the counter and Yachi walked over to the register to take their order. 

I smiled and waved to Kageyama. He looked at me and looked back down. I stopped smiling and turned away. Did I do something wrong?

 Yachi finishes taking their order and notices the confused expression on my face. "Hey, what's wrong?" she asks. "Uh, I'll tell you after they leave." They stand at the pickup table as I walk over and set their drinks down. Sara hastily grabs both of their drinks and grabs Kageyama's arm and practically yanks him out onto the pavement.

 He turns around to look at me with a look that says "I'm sorry" I stare back confused until I can no longer see them. "That was weird," I said to Yachi. "What was?" she says curiously. "He basically ignored me. I waved at him and all he did was give me a glance and look away. He looked at me when they were leaving and he looked sorry." I said. 

"Wait how could you tell he was sorry? I didn't see him speak to you?" Yachi said confused. "I could just tell. I mean once you've been friends with someone for basically your whole life you start to tell how they feel even if they don't tell you. I can read him pretty well" I said grinning slightly.

 A few hours later I was heading home and I stopped by the grocery store to grab a few things to make dinner. I opened the door to my apartment and walked into a dark and lonely home. 

Usually, I would walk in to see Haruto laying on the couch watching tv. I didn't wish he were still with me but I missed the company. Kageyama didn't come over as often as he used to because he spent more time with Sara which was understandable so I didn't blame him for not being able to come over sometimes.

 I had made too much dinner and I couldn't eat it all myself. I texted Kageyama and asked him if he would like to eat dinner together. "Nope. Already ate" he said. He sounded a lot meaner than usual but I decided to ignore it.

 A few days later I asked him if he wanted to go to the movies with me. He said no. About a week later I invited him to go bowling with me and Yachi. He said no again. 

Later at work, I said to Yachi "I think it's weird that he keeps canceling plans I mean I thought he would want to see me and catch up since we haven't talked in a while." "Maybe he's just been really busy with work," Yachi said trying to reassure me.

 "I guess that could be a possibility but he never flakes out on me like that, I think something is wrong," I said concernedly. "What do you think it could be?" Yachi said. "Well, a few months ago at my old job he did tell me his grandma was in the hospital maybe she's sick again? Or maybe it's a different relative?" I said suggestively. 

"Or maybe you should just ask him y/n, you guys are friends again. Don't be scared to reach out when you think something is wrong." Yachi said.

 She's right, I thought. I couldn't shake the feeling that maybe Kageyama just didn't want to be friends with me though, why else did he keep canceling? A few hours later I said goodbye to Yachi as I was heading home after work.

 I kept thinking about Kageyama and why he possibly kept ditching plans with me. I walked into the elevator where a tall man was standing. "What floor?" I said. "4," said the man. "Oh, me too," I said. I stared down at my phone still distractedly thinking about Kageyama.

 I accidentally dropped my purse and the man leaned down at the same time I did and our hands touched. "Oops sorry!" I said quickly and looked up to see the man clearly.

 It was Kageyama. He quickly put a hand to his eye, covering it. I confusedly looked at him and said "What's wrong? Why are you covering your eye?" "It's nothing. I'm fine" he said hurriedly. 

"Then show me your eye," I said. The elevator dinged letting us know that we had reached our floor. Neither of us moved.

 "Please tell me what's wrong, I'm here for you, you know that," I said. A few minutes later he started to slowly move his hand revealing a bruised swollen shut black eye. I quietly gasped. "Who did this to you?" I said firmly. 

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