Chapter 4

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I have been avoiding Kageyama for a few days. I missed him, I really did but I didn't think I was ready to face him after he lied to me about Haruto cheating on me. I just can't even begin to imagine why he did it. 

Haruto and I weren't on the best terms either, he still hung around the apartment but rarely even talked to me. Seems like 2 of the most important people in my life are furious at me.

 A bit after Haruto gave me the silent treatment he finally asked me if we could go out on a date. We decided on stargazing at the park. I stared deep into his eyes as we laid at the park looking up at the beautiful stars. "You never gave me the chance to apologize so I just wanted to say I'm sorry. I never believed kageyama in the first place and i hate that you think I did. I hate the way this turned out but I love you and I hope you'll forgive me" i say to haruto, holding his hand. "Honestly i shouldn't have shut you out, I think I was too hard on you and I'm sorry too" he says pulling me closer and wrapping his arms around me" This is why i fell in love with him, I feel like i'm finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, but am i really going to have to live without kageyama?

He put his arm around me as we walked back up to the apartment. "Thank you so much for today, I really just needed a special day with you" We're too busy staring into each other's eyes that Haru bumps into someone and his anger kicks in.

 "Watch where you're going punk" he says as we both turn around to see who he crashed into. My eyes widen as I realize Haru bumped into Kageyama. This can't end well. Kageyama turns around, makes eye contact with Haru and continues walking. "Where do you think you're going asshole, you're not getting away so easily after you lied to y/n" he says starting to turn red from anger. "Haruto You're the asshole. Y/n it's your fault you're too brainwashed by Haru to notice that he's toxic and cheating on you, I saw it with my own eyes, we both know I'd never lie to you." Ouch. That one hurt.

 "I'm really gonna get you now kageyama, Haru says as he starts forming a fist with his arm and getting closer and closer to him. 'STOP!" I yell, but I'm too late. "What the hell was that for Haru?! There's now a crowd gathering around Haru and his bloody fist. Kageyama's nose is heavily bleeding. 

 I help him up and say to him "Come on, we need to get out of here and I need to talk to you" leaving Haru behind still yelling like a maniac. 

We get to kageyama's  apartment and I immediately grab an ice pack and a first aid kit. I clean all the blood off and hand him the ice pack to put on his nose. "I am so sorry I have no idea what the hell is wrong with Haru" I begin to apologize for Haru's terrible attitude and for basically ghosting him the past few days. "It's okay, if there's anyone to be mad at it's Haru not you so don't blame yourself plus I could never stay mad at you" he says smiling. 

His smile drops and he says "But I do have something I need to show you and you're not gonna like it." "What are you talking about?" I said, confused. "When you told me you didn't believe me about Haru cheating I just had to find proof of what he did because I didn't want you mad at me, and I wanted to prove that I wasn't lying to you. He pulled out his computer and opened a file and pressed play. There it was, the video proof of Haru and some girl kissing at the dumpster. Just like Kageyama said, down to the very last detail. 

I couldn't believe my eyes. I sat there in shock and it took me a while to finally say "Kageyama... I'm so sorry I didn't believe you. I feel terrible now, oh god i'm a terrible friend aren't I" I said with tears starting to fill my eyes but not because I had just seen my boyfriend kissing another girl, but because I chose not to believe my best friend who knows me better than anyone. "Hey come here it's okay" Kageyama says as he's pulling me into a hug.

 At the moment, his hug was all I needed. I could hear his heart beating as I rested my head on his chest. Everything felt perfect. "Do you wanna watch a movie baby- Ah! Y/n i mean!" kageyama says making sure i didn't hear what he said. "Yeah definitely" I said excitedly.He put on The nightmare before Christmas, one of our favorite movies. That night I felt calm and fell asleep in his arms. 

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