Chapter 19

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I woke up the next morning in Kageyama's bed. When did he bring me here? Did he sleep on the couch? After I fell asleep on the couch I had no memory of anything except waking up here in the morning.

 I yawned and pulled the covers off me and walked to the living room. There I saw Kageyama sleeping soundly on the couch. I smiled and pulled the door open to the balcony. I took in the fresh morning air and sighed.

 A few minutes later a barely woken up Kageyama joined me and said "Good morning" as he smiled. "Good morning," I said back. "How'd you sleep?" Kageyama asked. "Pretty good, your bed is really comfortable," I said giggling. He smiled at me and asked, "Do you want breakfast?" "No thanks, I have to go to work soon in about an hour," I said, frowning slightly. "Ah okay well I might go visit you," Kageyama said happily.

 I smiled as I grabbed the clothes I had worn the previous day and walked into the bathroom to change. A few minutes later I came out of the bathroom and said goodbye to Kageyama. 

I got to work and the first face I see is a grinning Yachi behind the counter. I frowned at her and said "I forgot my house key here yesterday" "What? Why didn't you tell me oh my god I totally would've come back to open up again" Yachi said. "Actually it all worked out well. Kageyama asked me to stay over with him and we had a really fun night." I said smiling.

 "Maybe you should leave your keys here more often," Yachi said laughing. I grabbed my work apron and tied it around my back and felt my keys in the pocket. 

Around the middle of the day, Kageyama walked in and spotted me. I waved and smiled and this time, he did too. Yachi had made his drink and I handed it to him "Thanks" he said as he smiled and took a seat by a nearby table.

 I couldn't help but stare at him when I got the chance,  I really have to stop thinking about him so much. He doesn't even feel that way anymore. I sighed and looked up and saw Kageyama throwing away his cup. He turned to look at me, smiled, and opened the door to leave. I smiled back, reluctantly. 

A few hours later I remembered to grab my keys and headed home. I had gotten out of work earlier that day so I stopped by a nearby thrift store and looked around. I spotted a sweatshirt I liked and tried it on. I found it in the men's section so the fit was looser than I expected. 

I walked to the register and purchased the sweatshirt. It was chilly out so I decided to put it on as I left the store. I got to my apartment and walked in. A few minutes later I heard a knock on my door. I opened it to see Kageyama standing there holding a bag of food from olive garden "Hey wanna hang out? I brought your favorite" He said as he grinned. "Yeah, of course, come in," I said. 

He sat the food down on the table and said "It's nice to see you again" Kageyama said. "What are you talking about I saw you yesterday," I said laughing. "Yeah well it's still special every time," Kageyama said.  "Also if you wanted a sweatshirt you could've asked me for one of mine" I turned away from him and blushed. 

"Kageyama I need to tell you something," I said as I turned back and looked into his eyes. I was going to do it. I was going to tell him I'm in love with him. I paused for a moment and said 'I-" before even getting the sentence out my phone started ringing loudly.

 "Sorry let me take this" I answered the phone and I gasped as I found out the news and said "I'll get back to you with my response, Thank you for contacting me" and hung up. "What was that about?" Kageyama asked. "It's a really prestigious program for baking. I've always wanted to get into it because it would be a huge opportunity to get closer to my dream of opening a bakery, and well they told me they wanted me to take a spot!" I said excitedly.

 "That's amazing y/n! When do you start?" Kageyama asked curiously. "Well in two weeks but the program isn't here, it's in California, and it lasts 3 months," I said blankly. 

"Oh... '' Kageyama said. "That would mean leaving you, my home, my work, and basically dropping everything for this," I said sadly. "Y/n this is your dream, don't let me stop you from reaching it, I'll always be here. I'll wait for you until you come back. I promise you we'll talk as often as you want and it'll be as if I'm right there with you." Kageyama said smiling.

 I wish he knew how much I love him. 

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