Chapter 20

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I had decided to accept the opportunity. It was a once in a lifetime experience that I wouldn't get offered again. 

I had gone to work the next day and told Yachi the news. "Oh my gosh y/n! that's huge, I'm so proud of you!" she said, smiling excitedly. "Yeah but I'll have to ask for a leave," I said. "Aw, I'm gonna miss you!" Yachi said sadly. "Don't worry I'll only be gone for a few months" I said hopefully. "It won't be the same here without you but good luck, you deserve it!" Yachi said clapping. 

After work, I said goodbye to yachi as I stayed behind to talk to the manager, we agreed I would take a leave for 3 months with pay for one month which felt like a good deal since I was going to be across the country. 

I walked home and got to my apartment where I took off my work clothes and changed into comfy clothes. I put a bag of popcorn in the microwave and took out chips, chocolates, and many other things to snack on. After the popcorn was done popping I got on the couch and turned the tv on. 

I picked a movie and cuddled with Mochi, my cat. At around 2 am I was starting to fall asleep and walked to my bedroom. I jumped onto the bed and wrapped myself with 2 blankets.

 I wanted to spend as much time as I could with Yachi and Kageyama since I wouldn't be able to be with them for Christmas or New years eve. Kageyama and I hung out a lot more than usual to make the most of our time. We went on a picnic and painted thanksgiving themed pottery mugs.

 Kageyama, Yachi, and I were planning to spend thanksgiving together as our families all lived out of state. I got up early on Thanksgiving day and started preparing to make food. A few hours later I heard a knock on the door. It had to be Kageyama since he said he'd be coming earlier to help make the food. When I opened the door I saw Kageyama and smiled as he walked in.

 He put on an apron and I told him to start peeling potatoes. Later, Yachi came by with drinks and dessert. Kageyama put out 3 plates with napkins and forks as he set the table. I put down the mashed potatoes, potato salad, green beans, and a rotisserie chicken yachi had brought along with her. We all sat down and started eating. 

"Wow, this potato salad is really good! Yachi said. "That's because I made it," Kageyama said proudly. After dinner, Yachi brought out dessert which was a warm pecan pie and vanilla ice cream. We all talked the entire evening and at 10 pm Yachi hugged me goodbye and waved to Kageyama and left. 

Since Kageyama literally lived next door he stayed a little longer and an hour later he hugged me and left. I kept thinking about our hug as I washed dishes. The hug felt comforting and soft, like the type of hug you never want to end. Kageyama left his coat behind accidentally. It was already midnight so I figured it would be best to return it the next morning. I left it on the couch and went to bed.

 Another week had passed and it was the night before my flight. I packed many outfits and necessities. I had completely forgotten to give Kageyama his jacket back and I decided to take it with me. He has many other jackets, right? Plus it smelled like him. 

I packed last-minute essentials and I decided I was ready to go. Since I was leaving mochi was going to stay with Kageyama. I knew I could trust him with her and mochi was already comfortable around him. I packed a smaller bag with cat toys, a brush, a food bowl, a water bowl, and her collars. 

I knocked on Kageyama's door and a few seconds later he opened it and said '"Hey nice to see you!" I walked in and handed him the bag I had just finished packing. I gave him the spare food and litter I had and told him which brands he should get when it runs out. "Don't panic y/n I'm gonna take good care of her," Kageyama said, reassuring me. 

He could tell I was feeling reluctant and nervous about going to a place I had never been. "I know you will it's just I'm really gonna miss her, and you of course. I said nervously. 

"One of my favorite jackets went missing, Weird isn't it?" Kageyama said. 

"Well since you're gonna be gone for a few months you should take one of my sweatshirts, It'll remind you of me," Kageyama said as he grabbed a sweatshirt from the closet and handed it to me. "Wow thanks," I said trying not to sound suspicious since I was the reason his jacket had gone missing.

 The next day I had woken up at 9 am and started to get ready for my flight at 11:30 am. I made sure I had everything packed and I picked up mochi to drop her off at her new home for the next three months. Kageyama opened the door, grabbed mochi, and invited me in. "So today's the day," Kageyama said. 

He pulled me in for a hug before we left for the airport to meet up with Yachi who also wanted to say goodbye before I left. This hug was better than the last. It felt long and passionate. I didn't want it to stop. 

He whispered in my ear "I'm really gonna miss you y/n" We pulled away from the hug and smiled as we stared deeply into each other's eyes. 

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