Chapter 1

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The light was shining through the curtain as I woke up. "It's morning already?" i said as i extended my arm to the other side of the bed. No one was there. "He must have left for work already," I said making my way to the kitchen to make myself breakfast.

I grabbed my phone and texted Kageyama: Good Morning! Come over to help me make breakfast. I'm making your favorite. He responded with "Already on my way! You know I love my blueberry chocolate chip pancakes :)" Seconds later i heard a knock at the door and a deep grumpy voice yelled "TIME FOR PANCAKES!!!"

"Chill Kags the pancakes aren't going anywhere i say as i open the door letting him in. He quickly ran in and started taking out a million things from the fridge to make his pancakes. I have known Kageyama since elementary school and we had always been the best of friends, we were like peanut butter and jelly or well pancakes and blueberries with chocolate chips.

"Okay the pancakes are ready!" He sets the plates and I take out the syrup and we start eating. "Mmm that was delicious" kageyama says with syrup all over his face. "Oh god i think i ate too much, i'm stuffed." I say rubbing my stomach. I hand him a paper towel to clean off his face "Wipe that syrup off your face you eat like a child' i say with a smile. Suddenly my phone dings as I'm washing the dishes. "Kags can you get that please?" There's silence as I turn around to see him reading the message on my phone. "Everything okay?" I ask with confusion. "It's your boyfriend. He said he left earlier in the morning than usual to get an early start on the day."

"Wait, He left his briefcase here, that's weird he never leaves this here unless he's going somewhere besides work. Thanks for joining me for breakfast but Haruto probably needs his briefcase, I'm gonna go drop it off" i say to kageyama. "Hey no problem call me if you need anything, You know where I'll be.

A few hours later...

I texted kageyama "Hey I'm on my way to his office just to let you know" he replies with "Okay text me when you get there. I want to make sure you get there safely" I always loved that about Kageyama, he's always been so caring and thoughtful ever since the first day we met, that's why he's my best friend.

As I arrived in the parking garage I took a look around to see if i could spot Haru's car but it was nowhere to be seen, I didn't think anything of it and I took my phone out and texted kags "Just got here, safe and sound" he replies back with "Good to know:)" I grab Haruto's  briefcase and I make my way up to his office.

I arrive at the front desk where his assistant greets me. I ask "Can you tell Haruto i'm here to drop off his briefcase, he left it at home." His assistant clearly had a puzzled look on her face and responds with "Haruto's not here. He's not supposed to be working today."

I look at her with confusion and reply with "Oh. Okay thanks for letting me know, have a good day" I make my way back down to my car feeling troubled still carrying the briefcase. Well if he's not at work, then where is he? This was when my suspicions began to arise. I started to think about every possibility, Why did he lie to me?, What is he hiding, WHO is he hiding? I began to panic and overthink. I thought to myself, I probably shouldn't be driving right now. I'm too shaken up.

I took a breather and walked to a nearby cafe. "I'll have the matcha latte with almond milk" I said to the employee taking my order. "Okay that'll be right out ma'am. I take a seat by the window when I suddenly see kageyama at the register, ordering something of his own." Kageyama!" I yell at him when he's done ordering. "Oh hey y/n! I didn't expect to see you here, I thought you were dropping off Haru's briefcase?" "I was planning on it but when I got there his assistant said he wasn't even working that day. I took a peek in the direction of his office and it was dark and empty, no one to be seen. No wonder he didn't take his briefcase, he's definitely not at work. Kageyama to be honest with you, I think he's cheating on me.

Author's Note- Hello everyone! Thank you for reading chapter one of my brand new story. I had a lot of fun writing these chapters and i hope everyone enjoys.

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