Chapter 21

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Kageyama and I got into the car and drove to the airport. I sat in the passenger seat nervously twiddling my fingers. "I know you're nervous but this is the chance of a lifetime, you have to go," Kageyama said as he gently placed a hand upon my trembling fingers.

 It had felt like the shortest car ride ever. We arrived at the airport in what seemed like 5 minutes. We both got out of the car and right by the entrance we saw Yachi waving happily. "Hey guys!" she yells as we walk over to her. I smile and wave then we all walk inside to find the boarding gate.

 We had gotten there 30 minutes early so we would have plenty of time for goodbyes before I left. In the middle of our conversation, I heard over the intercom "Flight 307 is boarding soon, passengers please be making your way to the gate." I hugged yachi and started telling her how much I was going to miss her. "Making coffee and serving rude customers won't be the same without you," Yachi said sadly. "I know, I'm gonna miss talking about gossip and boys," I said to Yachi, smiling which made Kageyama eye me weirdly. 

I turned to Kageyama and told him we would talk as much as we could, besides yachi and I, Kageyama didn't have any other friends. I hugged each of them and turned in the direction of the boarding gate. 

From afar I saw Kageyama waving goodbye. I sighed and said, "I love you." The distance between us was too far for him to hear what I said, which was what I wanted. I arrived at the gate and soon entered the plane. I quietly sat down in my seat and pulled out a book to read.

 Hours later the flight had landed and we were back on the ground. I waited for my suitcase on the rack and walked into a completely unknown new airport.

 I looked around and saw a lady holding a sign that said "California Association Baker's Program" I nervously walked over to her and asked her about the program. "Oh yes! You're in the right place. Let me see if you're on the roaster here." she said kindly. I gave her my name and she proceeded to check a list of about 25 names and marked me off. "My name is Ann Jenkins, I work as a part of the program so you'll see me around a lot. You're the 3rd person here so we will wait for 3 more people and then altogether you will be transported to the place you are staying." Ann said smiling. 

"Okay thanks," I said, returning the smile, then looking for a seat. I sat on an empty bench and waited. Soon, a guy with gray-looking hair sat in the seat next to me and said "Hey how are you?" "I'm good," I said with a smile. "My name is Koshi Sugawara," he said. "My name is y/n, nice to meet you" we sat together talking until the last person arrived which meant we would get to leave the airport. 

We all got in the car and about 10 minutes later we arrived at a building. The building was tall and spacious. We walked into the lobby with our luggage in our hands and a kind man greeted us. "Ah welcome! We are so glad to have you here, this is where you will be staying" the man said as he directed us towards a hallway full of doors. 2 per room please, pick your roommate among yourselves." The man said. 

 "Do you wanna be roommates?" Sugawara asked. "Yeah of course!" I said excitedly. We walked into the room and there were two separate beds and bathrooms for each of us. "Wow this is pretty nice," I said looking around at the room admiring it. It was bigger than I had expected. There was a couch with a tv in front of it and a medium-sized kitchen, as well as a balcony which was facing the stores and other buildings around us. 

We were given our itineraries with the events we would have to attend for the following week. Later that day at 2 pm we had an introduction/orientation to meet the rest of the bakers and get acquainted. I met lots of fun new people who I would be working with during the next three months.

 I decided to call Kageyama to tell him I landed safely and how my first day went. Just as I was about to call him I suddenly got a facetime call from him. I responded and said "Hey Kageyama! I was just about to call you" "How's it going?" he asked. "It's going better than I expected, I already made a friend plus the room is pretty big and the people here so far are nice." "That's great to hear! Look who wants to see you." Kageyama said as he lowered the camera to his lap where Mochi was sitting.

 "Aw, she looks adorable, make sure you're taking good care of her," I said to Kageyama. "I am don't worry, anyway who's your roommate?" Kageyama asked. "Uh a guy named Sugawara, we met at the airport. He's super sweet" I said.

 After I had told him this the call didn't last very long, his mood seemed to have changed and a few minutes later he hastily said "Well I gotta go, glad you're doing well" and hung up. I wondered why he had hung up so abruptly and then I began to think. 

Could he be jealous of Sugawara? I didn't have any other guy friends besides Kageyama, maybe he felt like he was being replaced? I went to bed conflicted and fell asleep quite quickly as my body wasn't used to the time zone yet. 

author's note- I hope you all had a safe Thanksgiving and Black Friday! I am thankful for all of you who have read my story <3 

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