Chapter 7

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I woke up the next day and as usual, Haru was already gone. I made my way to the kitchen and made myself some french toast. I was just about to take another bite when I heard a knock at the door. Who could it be? I wasn't expecting anyone especially this early.

 I opened the door and saw Kageyama standing there. "What are you doing here? It's really early," I said, looking at him in confusion. He looked unusually happy. "I want to take you out to dinner this evening, there's something I really need to get off my chest.Look your best" he said smiling as he shut the door.

 I had never been so confused. Did it have something to do with yesterday? Why did he want me to dress up? What's this something he needs to get off his chest. I had about a million unanswered questions but everything would be explained later tonight so I tried not to fret too much.

 I went to my job at the flower shop as usual and continued with my day when I got a text from Haru saying he got held up at work and won't be home until late. I actually didn't mind it too much because that just meant I would get to spend time with kags without Haru throwing a jealous fit for no reason. 

I sighed as I took off my work apron, clocked out, finally making my way home. I was a bit nervous but mainly excited for Kageyama's mystery dinner surprise. I went up to my apartment and started looking through my closet for something to wear. I decided on a light pink wrap dress. I finished getting ready when my phone dinged and a message from Kageyama read: Meet me in my apartment.

 I opened the door to his apartment and didn't see him anywhere. He must still be getting ready, I thought as I sat down on his black leather couch, the same place where he comforted me when I found out Haru cheated on me. I could tell kageyama didn't like it that I decided to stay with Haru, but he never said it to my face.

 A few minutes later Kageyama came out from the hallway wearing black dress pants and a navy blue collared shirt. When he walked in he filled the room with his scent and a pleasant smelling cologne. 

"Ready to go?" he said, smiling at me."Yup all ready" i said with a warm smile just like his. We got in his car and soon arrived at Olive Garden. He knows I love Italian food. We were seated and ordered drinks. "Wow kageyama this is fancy, even for you" i said laughing. "Yeah i know but i wanted to do something special for you especially when i'm about to tell you the quite possibly most important thing in my life" he said. I didn't notice I had a confused expression on my face until Kags said "You'll find out soon enough don't worry."

  We ordered our food and talked for as long as you could imagine. As we were smiling at each other my phone suddenly started vibrating. I was getting a phone call, and it was from Haru. "I'm so sorry kageyama give me a minute. I have to take this." "Hello? Haru? Are you okay?" I asked with concern because I thought he'd be working late tonight. 

"Babe where are you? I had a nice at home dinner planned for us but you're not even here. Where the hell are you" he said as his voice rose with anger.

 "Haru why didn't you tell me? I thought you were held back in the office today?" I asked, confused. "I said that as an excuse because I wanted to plan this as a surprise," he said. "I'm actually out with kageyama right-" i started saying as i was interrupted "Oh my god y/n why are you always with that asshole. I'm your boyfriend not him."

 "Okay fine i'll be home soon." I said angrily as I hung up. I slowly made my way back to the table and began saying "I am so sorry Kageyama but i have to go, Haru said he planned a dinner for me at home that's supposed to be a surprise."

 Kageyama said "Oh. Okay that's fine i guess" as he stared down at his food. I grabbed my bag ready to leave when kageyama said "Wait! I still have to tell you something. To tell you something this huge i wanted to plan something special, at your favorite restaurant and obviously i didn't plan on you bailing out mid dinner so this was supposed to be a lot more memorable but I don't wanna tell you any other time like this it's just some small little thing that doesn't mean anything to me so I have to tell you now. Y/n  I... 

Author's Note- Hahaha cliffhanger! 

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