Chapter 3

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After about 20 minutes of crying in the bathroom I finally regained my composure and opened the door to see a mountain of dirty dishes in the sink. I begin washing the dishes once again and by the time I finish Haruto is already passed out on the couch from drinking too much.

 I make my way to the bedroom and plop myself on the bed as I go to sleep alone, again. I get a text from kageyama saying "Goodnight y/n. sweet dreams.'' I reply with "Goodnight Kags"

 At around 3 am I hear Haruto climbing into bed as he puts his arms around me. When i wake up in the morning he's not there again. I check my phone to see many new messages from kageyama that read "Hello? Are you awake, I need to talk to you, it's urgent, Y/n please wake up this is important" My eyes widened as i read each concerning message, i grab my coat and make my way to his apartment which is right next door to mine and i knock on the door.

 A few seconds later I see kageyama open the door with sleepy eyes. He had clearly just woken up because he was wearing nothing but his Santa Claus boxers, I bought those last year for christmas as a gag joke. I found myself staring at his chiseled abs for a few seconds before I caught myself and said "I came as soon as i got your messages, what's wrong?" "Uh let me put some clothes on, this is a bit embarrassing. Come on in"

 I enter his apartment and i sit on the couch fidgeting with my hands as i anxiously wait for him to get ready. He comes out wearing a simple and plain black shirt and navy blue sweatpants. "Kageyama, you're making me nervous, what's up with those texts from last night? While he starts to make coffee for the both of us he begins to say "Last night at around 5 am i couldn't sleep so I just decided to get up and started doing a workout, you know i run everyday so at 6 am i was going downstairs as usual and out by the dumpster i saw Haruto with a girl. At first they were only talking but as minutes passed they started to get closer like he put his arms around her waist and eventually she put her hands on his face, pulled him closer and they kissed." 

I sat there in literal shock. I couldn't believe what was happening. "I want to hear his side of the story," I said sipping my coffee. 'What?! y/n are you crazy i just told you he cheated on you!'he says, starting to get angry. "Okay well you don't have to yell at me! Jeez. For all I know you could be lying, I won't believe you until I hear what he has to say." I storm out slamming the door behind me. I sit on the balcony and look towards the beautiful view ahead of me. Could he really be telling the truth?  

Kageyama's POV

I have always loved y/n, ever since the day i first met her back on the playground during 1st grade. She doesn't know it of course but i love her, i really do. This morning i told her about Haruto cheating on her. She didn't seem to believe me and ended up getting furious with me and storming out. I think she's really mad at me and it hurts to know that she is. I think she just needs some time to cool off, even though I'm in love with her I would never lie about Haru cheating on her. I'm not a terrible person. I promise.

Y/n's POV

I don't know whether to believe Kageyama or not. We've been friends for like forever and i can't even imagine him lying to me but i love Haru and we've been together for 2 years now. Yes sometimes Haru can be a real asshole but he's got a lot on his plate and I can tell he's been super stressed lately and on top of that we've been going through a rough patch lately.

 Kageyama has been texting me all day but I haven't bothered to open one single message. I'm still furious at him. I pace back and forth in the kitchen as I wait for Haruto to get home so I can hear his side of the situation. 

 Finally around 11 pm i hear his keys jingling in the doorknob, he waits in and says "hey babe what's up?" i respond with "Haruto we need to have a talk" i immediately see his face flood with panic. My heart drops. I started to think, What if kageyama was right?

 "What is it?" he says as he sits down next to me. "Kageyama told me that early this morning around 6 am he saw you by the dumpsters with a girl and that" I took a pause and sighed. "he saw you kiss her." I stare down at the floor waiting for his response. "What the hell y/n don't tell me you believe this bullshit story kageyama made up?" he said getting angrier by the moment. "What? No, I never said I believed him. I just wanted to get your side of the story." I say feeling guilty. "I would never cheat on you babe, i love you so much, you mean everything to me, god i'm gonna kill kageyama the next time i see him for feeding you such a story and lie about me"he says clenching his jaw, i can tell he's furious. 

"No! He's still my best friend, i can't let you do anything to him, he means too much to me!" I say getting defensive, though he lied to me i still know deep down that i love him. "Okay so let me get this straight he tells you that he saw me kissing a girl which was a big lie and you STILL choose to defend him. Jeez y/n really shows where your priorities are." he says practically yelling at my face "I'm going out for a smoke, don't bother calling." he slams the door on his way out. I start to think, What have I done? 

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