Chapter 18

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"Kageyama, you shouldn't be putting yourself in danger just because you want to talk to me, I'm not worth that much," I said, frowning. "But you are y/n. You're my best friend and I love you, well not in THAT way you know." Kageyama said calmly. "Yeah of course I know," I said with a slightly forced smile. "Well, I know what I need to do. I need to break up with her. I can't take this anymore. I want to be able to talk to you without being scared for my life" Kageyama said sighing. He grabbed his jacket and said "Bye! I'll let you know how it goes" as he closed the door.

 I laid back and stared at the ceiling as tears started to well up in my eyes. He doesn't love me anymore. Well, I couldn't expect him to just wait until I fell in love with him. Gosh, I'm so stupid I thought as I brushed my hand through my hair in anger.

 "It's a lost cause," I said to yachi at work later that day. "He told you he doesn't feel anything for you?" Yachi said. "Well in a way yes he basically said he doesn't love me romantically," I said in a morose sort of way. "Well, there's a lot of fish in the sea, isn't there? I promise you'll find someone. You're a damn catch!" Yachi said trying to cheer me up. "Okay enough with the fish puns," I said giggling. 

Yachi walked me home and said "See you tomorrow! Love you beary much! Stay safe" I smiled and waved bye to her. I walked to my apartment with my hands inside my coat. It was mid-November and it was starting to get chilly out.

 I reached for my pocket looking for my keys. My pockets were empty. I felt nothing but bits of lint. I nervously started to dig around my purse and unfortunately found no keys. After frantically searching for 5 minutes I found wrappers, loose cash, and old receipts. I had left my keys in my locker at work. Yachi had closed up the shop and taken the key with her. I felt bad asking her to go back with me all the way in the cold.

 I banged on the door with my hand and muttered under my breath "Fuck, what am I going to do now" "What's wrong?" said Kageyama. He was wearing a winter hat with a little pom-pom on the top that I had given to him a few years back.

 "I left my apartment key at work so I guess I'm locked out," I said shrugging. "Do you want to stay with me?" Kageyama said. "Uh, won't Sara mind?" I asked. "Well, the thing is she disappeared. I have no idea where she is. When I went back to my apartment all her stuff was gone. I knocked on her apartment door and nobody answered. I asked the man in the front if he had seen her and he said he saw her with a group of guys moving all her stuff out. So I don't really think she's coming back, especially because she left a note saying we broke up and that she was leaving for whatever reason." Kageyama said as he held the door open to his apartment for me to walk in.

 "Maybe she was scared you would call the police on her and press charges for that," I said as I gestured towards his eye. "Yeah maybe, I'm just glad it's over now so I don't really care where she is," Kageyama said. 

Kageyama and I mostly spent our time in my apartment, he said it felt "homier" It felt a little weird being in his apartment after so long but in a way, it felt nice because we were becoming closer than ever. We talked about things that happened while we weren't talking. I told Kageyama about Oikawa, Italy, and Haruto cheating on me while we ate pizza we had ordered for dinner.

 We played board games and started a puzzle of cats sitting around a piano with a Christmas tree behind them. 

 Around midnight we had started watching movies in the living room. After about an hour I yawned and Kageyama said "Are you sleepy" "No" I said smiling slightly as I blinked slowly.

 I rested my head on Kageyama's shoulder as I struggled to stay awake. A few minutes later I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep. Kageyama nudged me and said "Hey, y/n are you awake" he whispered. Still asleep, I didn't respond. 

Kageyama turned off the tv and as I was half asleep I felt him lift me off the couch. He carried me in his arms to his bedroom and gently laid me on the bed. Kageyama grabbed a blanket and I felt him wrap it around me. 

He kissed my cheek and said "You will always be worth it. Always." After he had left I smiled widely and fell asleep. 

Always Loved You  /Kageyama x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now