Chapter 5

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The next morning I woke up earlier than kageyama and left him a note on the kitchen table that said "Thanks for last night, I really needed it <3." I smiled as I closed the door. 

 I work at a flower shop but not all days of the week because Haru insisted that I didn't need a job because he could "handle it all on his own" so I just decided to get an easy job. 

I was so busy thinking about kageyama that i completely forgot about what Haru had done. When i realized i was filled with anger. Ugh i have to see that lying, cheating, asshole when i get home. I spent the rest of the day thinking about how I would confront him. A couple hours later the clock read 7:00 pm and I got ready to go home.

 Just as I arrived home, Kageyama texted me 'Did you get home safe?" "Yes i just pulled in thanks for asking" he replied saying "Thank you for letting me know :)"

I shut off my phone and made my way upstairs. When I opened the door Haru was sitting on the kitchen table eating hot cheetos and scrolling on his phone. I wanted to be straight forward so i started with saying 'Um Haru, We need to talk, It's really important." "What is it babe?" hearing him call me babe infuriated me even more.

 "Care to explain this, asshole? I said as I pulled out my phone and started playing the video of him kissing a random girl. His eyes widen as he continues watching. He looks nervous. Finally, he says "that's not me. Jeez y/n you really can't trust anything i say." "Oh but it is you, cut the act and tell the truth already there's no way around it this time Haru" i say getting angrier and angrier. 'Kageyama showed me that video, everything he said was true" "Weren't you at his place yesterday? Is that when he showed you this?" he asked, trying to change the subject.

 "Well no but-" i started saying as i was interrupted. "Then why were you at his place? I saw you leave with him after I punched him in the face." "We were just hanging out" I spared him the details. I don't think I like kageyama like that but Haru would freak out if I told him what happened. "Besides it doesn't matter and stop trying to change the subject, it's not gonna work with me.

 "Baby it was a mistake. I had drank too much and I wasn't thinking" to my surprise, he started crying and it touched my  heart. Haru doesn't cry often in fact this is barely the second time I've seen him cry. He continues to say "I love you and only you, i don't know what was going through my mind at the moment but i just want you to know that the kiss meant nothing to me and you really are the only one i want. You've stuck with me through hard times and I don't know too many girls that would do what you do. I know i can have some tough days where i act like an asshole and i'm sorry but you need to believe me. I love you and you mean absolutely everything to me."

 I felt reluctant about it but I decided to give him a second chance. He sounded sincere and i still loved him so i was willing to give him another chance.  I hope i'm making the right choice.

Always Loved You  /Kageyama x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now