Chapter 11

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 A few hours later I found myself getting on a small boat with a book in my hand and my bag on my shoulder. 

The man started paddling across the river that went along the town. The sights were beautiful and I couldn't help but gazing up occasionally as I read my book.

 Finally we stopped in front of a cafe and I thanked the man and got off. I decided to enter the cafe and I ordered a chai latte. 

I sat down at an empty table looking outside as a guy approached me. "Hey, I remember you from the plane! You were the girl who was sleeping for half the flight" he said excitedly as if we had known each other forever.

 "Oh yeah i remember you too" i said smiling "What's your name" he asked. "My name is y/n, what's yours?" "Toru Oikawa" he said as he sat down in the chair across from me. 

"So what brings you here?" he curiously asks. "Well long story short my best friend hates me and I just needed some time away, that's all" I said sighing and I continued to look outside. "Ouch tough luck" he said giggling. When the barista came with our drinks I noticed he ordered milk bread. 

 We exchanged numbers and planned to see each other again. 2 days later we met up at a nearby bookstore and for a moment it felt like old times with kageyama.

 For the first time in weeks I felt genuinely happy and I felt like I had someone on my side. 

A crazy idea popped into my head. "Oikawa, you should come home with me." I said looking at him. "Okay your hotel is nearby anyways right?" he said making his way toward the door. "No, I mean like my real home, New york. I know it sounds crazy because we barely know each other but I really think you'll like it there and we can get to know each other more." I said.

 His face was awestruck then moments later he said "So you want me to pack up my whole life just to go with you?" "Well yes..." i said awkwardly. "Well I'm down for it! I'm always constantly traveling. It'll be nice to take a break for once" he said smiling.

 "Okay wow i wasn't expecting that! You can stay at my apartment, I have a guest room there." I said grinning back.

 3 days later we both clutched our flight tickets in our hand ready to go. We boarded the plane and sat next to each other again. This time, i didn't sleep for half the flight. I stayed up through the entirety of it as Oikawa and I snacked on the airplane food and talked about anything and everything. 

A few hours later the plane finally landed and I looked outside of the window and recognized my home at once.

 We got off the plane, suitcases in hand. We then walked to the parking garage where I had left my car. "Okay so where to?" I asked oikawa. "Hm well let's go to central park. I've heard a lot about it and I'd like to see it for myself" he said. 

We drove off and sang all of our favorite songs. About 30 minutes later we arrived at the park and went for a walk. We saw a pond with ducks in it and surrounding the pond were amber colored trees with their leaves falling off as well as benches for people to sit on and gaze away.

 It was nowhere near as beautiful as Italy but it felt like home which was even better. I anxiously stared into the pond, I felt nervous to see Haru again as all I had left him with was a vague note. Would he be angry? Would he even be happy to see me? What would he think of me bringing Oikawa with me? 

"We should probably get going now, there's someone i want you to meet" i said jittering. "Who? The best friend who hates you?" Oikawa asks curiously. "No actually my boyfriend." I say, gulping. 

A few minutes later we find ourselves in front of my apartment complex. We walk around to the front and see Sara and Kageyama, holding hands. Oikawa and I walk right past them. I feel full of anger. Oikawa notices and asks "Woah are you okay?" "That's the best friend that hates me with his new prissy little girlfriend." I say staring down at the sidewalk. Let's just go it doesn't matter"

 We walk into the building and I press the number 3 on the elevator. A few seconds later the elevator stops and the doors open. I get to my apartment door and from the other side I can hear music playing. That means Haru is home.

 I take my key out and insert it into the keyhole. I open the door and walk in with Oikawa behind me. Oikawa stays in the living room as I walk into the hallway to the bedroom to check on Haruto. 

I open the door to see a horrifying scene. 

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