Chapter 22

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I woke up the next morning at 8:00 am for the morning event. Sugawara was already up and sitting on the couch in the living room. "Are you ready to go?" he asked. "Yeah," I said yawning, still tired. 

We walked to the lobby where we were greeted by a man who directed us to the kitchens. Our first assignment was to make french toast and crepes. After we finished, we took our dishes to the dining room and ate. "Wow, this is really good," Sugawara said. "Yeah, that's because you made it," I said laughing.

 After breakfast, I decided to visit a nearby cafe where I ordered a matcha latte and scone. I sat down and pulled out my phone to call Kageyama. The phone rang and rang until I heard the voicemail tone. I tried to call him again and no response. That's weird, I thought. 

I headed to the building and back to the room. Sugawara was sitting out on the balcony when I walked in. I walked outside to join him. "What's up?" I said as I took a seat next to him.

 He sighed and said "Well, I'm having trouble with my girlfriend, She didn't want me to do this program. It took me a while to convince her but she isn't very happy with me having a girl roommate." "I think I understand your situation, I don't think my best friend likes it either when I mentioned it to him he didn't talk to me much longer. I think he feels like I'll leave him behind but that's not the case at all, I tried to call him twice but he didn't pick up," I said. 

"I just don't know how to make her believe that I love her and only her. I mean you're nice and funny but I don't see you like that, you're like a sister to me" Sugawara said. "I understand that I feel the same way about you plus I'm in love with someone so I really don't think she has to worry about us," I said.

 "I'll tell her you don't have any interest in me but if she still feels reluctant I think we'll have to switch roommates." He said gloomily. "If that's how it ends up it's okay we can always talk during the events," I said optimistically. 

At the end of the day, my phone started ringing. It was a call from Kageyama. I quickly responded and said, "Hey how are you?" "Hey, I'm good, sorry I didn't respond to your calls, I was just busy but I wanted to talk to you about something," Kageyama said. "What is it?" I asked concerned. "I just wanted to tell you that I miss you, it's been weird not having you around," Kageyama said.

 "I've missed you too. I want to let you know that Sugawara and I are good friends but he'll never replace you. I don't know how you're feeling but I'm assuming that's why you abruptly hung up on me the last time we talked. "Uh no I mean it took me by surprise but I didn't think anything else of it. I know we're best friends and it'll stay that way always." Kageyama said. "Oh okay well I guess you're right," I said calmly. We talked for a while longer until Kageyama had to go to bed. 

His words rung in my ears after we stopped talking. "We're best friends and it'll stay that way always" Always.

 A few weeks later it was Christmas day. We made tons of cookies to give to shelters. After we were done Sugawara and I exchanged gifts. We were still roommates since his girlfriend decided she trusted him enough to know that nothing was going to happen between us. He had given me 2 candles and a book. "Wow, thanks!" I said as I held the gift. He opened his gift and said, "I love it!" I had gotten him his favorite candies and a collection of movies. We spent the afternoon drinking hot chocolate and building a gingerbread house. 

Later that evening I called Kageyama and we wished each other a Merry Christmas, I did the same to yachi and fell asleep as I watched the Christmas lights outside glimmering.

 A week later it was already new Year's eve. Sugawara and I were watching the tv in the living room waiting for the countdown as we talked and played games. Kageyama and yachi were already in the new year. I had already gotten a text from them when it turned 12 am in new york. I wished we could experience it together but I was glad I wasn't spending it alone. 

"10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1!" We heard from the tv. "Happy New Year!" I said to Sugawara. I messaged Kageyama and yachi the same thing. Sugawara and I took a drink of champagne and celebrated, and just like that, a month of the program was already gone. 

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