Chapter 2

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"What? What makes you think he's cheating on you?'' he says confused. "Well first of all he didn't take his briefcase with him to work which is where he said he would be, i mean you even saw the message of him saying he went to work early, second of all he has his location off and before you start to think i'm the psycho girlfriend, we always keep our locations on so we know we're both safe at all times." i say to kageyama getting more worried by the second.

After us being friends since our childhood kageyama can read my emotions pretty well so he can tell i'm distressed. In an effort to comfort me he says "Hey don't worry it's okay don't panic i'm right here for you" he says as he reaches for my hand.

"Here are your orders" says the same employee from the register bringing us our drinks and placing them on the table. "Thank you very much sir" I say with a smile and notice kageyama staring at me. "Helloooo? Earth to kageyama?" I say laughing. "Oh gosh sorry i guess i spaced out." he says focusing back to reality.

"Thanks for joining me. I guess i really needed it since there's so much running through my head right now." i say. ''it's really no problem you know i'm always here for you" says kageyama.

I make my way back to my car with kags, he just wants to make sure no creep is following me. "Coast is clear" I say laughing. We say our goodbyes and hug. His hug made me feel safe, warm, and loved.

I drive back to my apartment and I see Haruto sitting on the couch with his legs propped up on the coffee table watching a football game. His eyes are glued to the tv and he doesn't even turn to look at me when i walk in.

He hears my keys clink down on the kitchen table and says "What are you making for dinner babe?" he says as he stuffs his mouth with a potato chip. "Uh nothing, i was thinking maybe we could go to a nice restaurant and you know have a romantic dinner" i say wrapping my arms around him. "Uh i'd rather not, just cook something here it's not that hard. He says pushing my arms away "And also babe don't put your arms around me while i'm watching the game" i sigh and get out ingredients to start making dinner.

About an hour later I mutter under my breath "dinner's ready, asshole." "What was that babe? Is dinner ready yet, I've been waiting forever i'm starving" he says whining like a baby. I roll my eyes and say "Yes honey I made lasagna, it's delicious". "Next time make something else, i don't like lasagna. Eh maybe some chicken nuggets from like mcdonald's." He says scarfing up the lasagna anyways. "I asked you if you wanted to eat out and you said no, don't complain about what i cook when i asked you what you wanted" I can feel my anger starting to build up. "Oh babe come on i just didn't want a stupid fancy expensive romantic dinner, what is this a romance comedy?" he says as if he's just said the funniest thing in the world. "You're unbelievable." I say storming off into the bathroom. I sit down against the wall and start crying.

Always Loved You  /Kageyama x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now