Chapter 10

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I woke up and laid in bed staring at the ceiling. I want to go on a trip. I need some peace of mind, especially right now while one of the most important people in my life shun me.

 I opened my laptop and started browsing for places to go. I wanted to be anywhere but here.

 I decided on Italy. I'd always wanted to go there with Kageyama. We wanted to travel the world together but life always seemed to get in the way so we never really got the chance.

I grabbed my suitcase and began packing my clothes and essentials, I also booked my flight. I made my way downstairs to my car and drove to the flower shop. I told my manager I was going on vacation for a week.

 I walked out with a smile on my face when I turned to my left and saw Kageyama and Sara at the next door bookstore. My smile faded and my heart froze still as I heard their laughs. I could tell he was laughing even though his back was turned away from me.

 They seemed to be enjoying their time together. I sighed and headed in the opposite direction. 

When i arrived home Haru wasn't home. Late night at work, I thought. I took out a pen and paper then began writing "I'm going somewhere for a week. Don't try to find me. I want to be alone. I hope you understand. I love you. -Y/n." 

I grabbed my suitcase and my passport then made my way to the door. I look around for one last time and close the door behind me.

 I see Sara closing the door to Kageyama's apartment and I roll my eyes. She looks in my direction and says "Hey! Long time no see where are you off to?" I hastily say "I'm going on a trip. Sorry, I'm kinda in a rush. I have to get to the airport soon or i'll miss my flight."

 I didn't give her the chance to say anything back because I had already walked away and into the elevator. I got into my car and didn't look back. 

At midnight I arrived at the airport and checked in. I waited and waited for my flight number to be called for departure. 

Finally at 1:45 am I heard over the intercom "Flight 344 to Venice, Italy please make your way to the boarding gate" I grabbed my stuff and walked over to the gate and handed the lady at the desk my passport. "All clear" she said as she motioned me to get on the plane.

  I skimmed the room as I looked for seat B4. I found my seat and sat down. A couple minutes later a guy sat down next to me. Wow he's cute i thought. 

The seats filled up as more people started to come in. About 30 minutes later the flight took off. I looked out the window anxiously.

 Halfway through the flight the flight attendant came around with the snack cart. I grabbed a sparkling water and pretzel bag. After I finished my snacks I felt my eyes getting tired and I drifted off to sleep. 

I woke up to the cute guy tapping my shoulder to wake me up. "Hey come on wake up sleeping beauty we're here" My eyes widened and I quickly grabbed my stuff and got off the plane. My mouth dropped in amazement of the new sights I was taking in and suddenly all i could think about was Kageyama. I wished I had been seeing the beauty in front of me with him. 

 I came all the way here to get rid of thought like those. I looked up nearby hotels and decided on one named Alessandro Palace & Bar. I was given room 403, I made my way to the room and settled in. There was a balcony that I longingly looked out while thinking about what I should do in my time here. 

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