Chapter 6

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A few weeks had passed and everything was going well. It felt like my relationship with Haurto was getting a lot better since the rough months we've been having. 

Fall was right around the corner. I loved to see the leaves changing colors and falling off their trees. Fall also meant fun holidays like halloween and thanksgiving. I also loved wearing warmer clothes like fuzzy socks and cute sweaters. 

For the most part I had forgiven Haru for what he did but at the same time I can't help but have a suspicion that something is wrong. 

I'm seeing Kageyama next weekend, we're baking a pie. Kags knows I  love to bake so he suggested it as our annual fall activity. I'm really looking forward to it. I don't know why but Kageyama has been on my mind a lot more often than usual.

It's finally time for kageyama and I to bake a pie! I'm so excited, I've never baked with him so I hope it'll be super fun and a great memory we can look back onto when we're older. We arrive at the grocery store and gather all the ingredients we need and head home.

 Kageyama unlocks the door to his apartment. "Okay! Let's do this" I say as i grab an apron from the closet. Kageyama lets a snort out and I say "What are you laughing at" as I look down to see that the apron says "Kiss the chef." "Haha very funny" I say as I roll my eyes but smiling. "So we need butter, flour, sugar, and apples," said Kageyama as I was already taking ingredients out of the shopping bags. We measured everything out and started following the recipe we found on pinterest. I mixed while kags preheated the oven and set up the pie pan. I poured our mixture into the pie pan and put it in the oven and set the timer for 45 minutes.

 "Wow, we made it through without any huge failures," Kageyama says, sounding surprised. "Hey you're not too bad in the kitchen, we should bake more often" i say with a smile. 

"The oven is making the apartment so hot, I'm gonna take off my sweatshirt" he says as he starts pulling his sweatshirt up but his shirt stuck to his sweatshirt so he was just standing there practically shirtless. I could see his defined abs and my heart fluttered. I looked away to distract myself from staring at his body. "Uh y/n i'm struggling a bit here can you pull down my shirt." Aw crap. I got up and stood up right in front of him and pulled down the plain black shirt that read "Karasuno High School" in the top right corner.

 He was finally able to pull off his sweatshirt and his hair was covering his eyes. I gently reached up and brushed the hair out of way revealing his bright blue eyes staring at me. we stood there for what felt like an eternity.  All of a sudden kageyama started to lean in but at that moment the timer rang and we both snapped back into reality. "Oh um I guess the pie is ready" I said standing a little awkwardly.  

We took the pie out of the oven and let it cool off for a bit. After it cooled off we each ate a piece and talked some more while we drank some milk, I know that's his favorite.

 "It's getting pretty late so i'm gonna go home now, thanks for today it was super fun and i hope we can do it again sometime!" I said as I smiled at him and shut the door, making my way to my own apartment. 

That night thoughts filled my mind and they were all about Kageyama. Was he going to kiss me? Do I think I like him? No, I can't like him. I love Haru and he loves me. My stomach filled with butterflies when I thought about the way we stared at each other. I kept replaying the entire moment in my head, from staring at his body to staring deeply into his eyes and him leaning into me. I fell asleep thinking of him.  

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