Chapter 9

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"Here come on, let's get you off the floor" She says as she reaches her hand out to me.

 I wipe my tears off my eyes and take her hand. 'My name is Sara" she says with a warm smile on her face.

 "My name is y/n, nice to meet you"

 "I just moved into this apartment" she says as she points down the hallway to the apartment right next to kageyama's. "I live right here" I say as I turn around and point to the door in front of me." 

"Let's hang out sometime! I'd love to get to know my new neighbors" she says smiling. "Here's my number" she says as she hands me her phone. "I'll text you so we can make plans together!" she says as she waves goodbye. 

I sigh as I open the door. I throw myself on the couch and slowly fall asleep. I woke up to the sound of my phone chiming. I quickly opened my phone hoping it was a text from Kageyama. It turned out to be a text from Sara asking me where we should hang out.

 I groaned and replied back with "There's a pumpkin patch a few miles from here, we can go there and carve pumpkins." "That sounds fun! Tomorrow at 2pm:)" she quickly responds.

 I get back to sleep and wake up the next morning. The first thing I do is check my phone for any new messages from Kageyama, nope none. I groggily make my way to the kitchen and make myself some breakfast. Yum, bagel with cream cheese! But i don't feel happy while i'm eating it. 

As usual Haruto isn't here, frankly I'm not in the mood to care this time. 

I get another text from Sara that says "Hey y/n it's okay if one other person tags along right? He also lives in the apartments!" I respond with "Yeah totally the more the merrier!"

 Around 1pm I start to get ready to leave, as I'm fixing my hair I hear a knock on the door. I open the door and see Sara smiling. "Are you ready to go?" she asks. "Yes I am! Where is the other guy you were bringing along?" I ask as I shut the door to my apartment.

 "Oh he's already waiting for us downstairs, we just went out for coffee and stopped here to pick you up so i just told him to wait for us, i can't wait for you guys to meet!" she says cheerfully. 

We make our way downstairs to the lobby and I see a tall guy with black hair staring down at his phone. He looks up and my heart drops. It's Kageyama.

 Sara senses the tension between us and says "have you met before?" and before i can say anything, Kageyama says "No, never." Hearing him say those words felt like a stab to my heart. I felt like I was going to burst into tears.

 We finally make it to the pumpkin patch and start to look around for the perfect pumpkins to carve. From afar, I see Sara laughing as she puts her hand on Kageyama's arm. 

I'm filled with jealousy but then i start to think, why do i care so much it's not like i like him. 

Seeing them laughing together like we used to made me so angry I felt like I was going to be sick. I tried to put aside my feelings but whenever i would try to join in on the conversation, it always ended with Sara and Kageyama having the time of their lives.

 Kageyama would barely even look at me, it was as if I never even existed.

 As we were leaving, Sara shivered and Kageyama offered her his jacket. We finally arrived back home and as kageyama was opening the door for Sara i said "Hey uh i'm not feeling well so i'm gonna head over to my apartment and rest for a bit." "Okay y/n I hope you feel better!" she says as kageyama closes the door and I can no longer see either of them. 

I sigh and enter my apartment. "Why the long face? Says Haru. "Nothing, I just kinda had a bad day." I say gloomily. Haru extends his arms out and motions me to hug him. For the first time all day I feel happy.

 He puts on a movie in an attempt to make me feel better. I can't help but think about Kageyama as I fall asleep in Haru's arms. We had gotten into arguments before but never so bad that he would pretend to have never met me.

 He was on another level of anger. I feared that we might never restore what we had before. As these thoughts flooded my mind, Haru stroked my hair as I let the tears fall and cried into his chest.I don't want to lose my best friend forever. 

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