Chapter 23

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January felt like it was soaring through. It was already midway through. Kageyama and I talked to each other as much as we could. Sugawara and I were having fun baking lots of things during the program, I was going to miss him when the program was over. At this point, there was only about a month left. I texted Yachi "I think I'm going to tell Kageyama how I feel about him when I get back to New York" she quickly replied with "Omg! It's about time"

Flying across the country and living without Kageyama made me want him even more. I missed his company and it made me realize I couldn't wait any longer, I was going to tell him that I love him. I didn't know whether he would return the feeling but I just had to let him know how I felt about him. I needed him to know that he made me feel like the only person in the world when he stared into my eyes. I needed him to know that my heart skipped a beat every time he smiled at me. I felt anxious just thinking about it but I had to tell him.

A month later

The program had been cut short but they never told us why. We were initially staying until the last week of February but were now leaving before February 15th. I told Kageyama the date had changed so he could pick me up at the airport when I landed. I felt excited to see him again but I remembered I was planning to confess to him and my heart started pounding.

The final event of the program was a feast. Sugawara and I shared one last moment together. We walked up to the room and began packing our bags to leave. I was careful to not forget any of my important items. I packed some souvenirs for Kageyama and Yachi. The past 3 months have been a delightful experience. I made new friends, learned new recipes, traveled to a new state, and made many new memories. I wouldn't have traded it for the world. It was finally time for me to return home, to my friends.

Sugawara and I smiled at each other and hugged. "I'm going to miss you," I said sadly. "I'll miss you too, let's keep in touch. I hope we can see each other again" Sugawara said kindly. We walked to the lobby with the same group we arrived with and once again got into a car together. The ride felt quite short. We arrived at the airport in no time and waited for our flights to be called. A little bit later 3 people had already left as their flights had been called. About 20 minutes later my flight had been called.

I hugged Sugawara for the last time and grabbed my suitcase. I walked until I got to the gate and boarded the plane. I fell asleep throughout the entire flight. I woke to the plane rumbling and shaking as we were landing. I yawned and gathered my bag to get ready to leave. I got off the plane and walked into the airport and waited for my suitcase on the conveyor belt. When I saw my bag I grabbed it and walked over to the main entrance.

There I saw Kageyama waiting for me. He immediately started smiling when he saw me. I smiled back and walked over to him. "Hey, haven't seen you around," I said laughing. Without notice, he grabbed me and hugged me tightly. "I missed you" he whispered in my ear. He pulled away from the hug and said "Yachi wanted to be here but she had a shift to cover" I nodded and we walked over to the car to head home.

We arrived at the apartments and he unlocked the door to his. He gathered all of Mochi's things while I dropped off my luggage at my apartment next to his. A few minutes later he came by and returned the cat stuff I had given to him before I left.

He was about to turn to leave when I said "Do you want to go to the Valentines festival with me?" I asked. "Of course I do," Kageyama said as he smiled and turned around, closing the door behind him.

Always Loved You  /Kageyama x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now