Chapter 24

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After he closed the door I smiled and went to bed. 

The next morning I got ready and went to work. It was the first time I was seeing Yachi in person after three months. I walked in and immediately heard Yachi say "Hey y/n! You're back, I missed you so much" "Hey yachi! It's so nice to see you again" I said excitedly as I hugged Yachi. 

I put on my apron and began working. Yachi and I caught up on things I had missed while I was gone, then she said "You're back so when are you planning to tell Kageyama the big news?" "I'm planning to tell him at the valentine's festival this weekend," I said confidently. "That's in a few days, are you sure you're ready to tell him how you feel?" Yachi said. "Yeah, I'm sure about it. I don't want to keep it from him anymore. I just feel like it's time to tell him." I said. "Well good luck!" Yachi said happily and we continued to work until our shifts ended.

 I took off my apron and grabbed my coat to leave. Yachi and I walked outside and I said "Do you want to have a sleepover tonight?" "Yeah! That sounds great. I'll meet you at your apartment in about an hour, I'm just gonna run home quickly and grab some clothes and a few other things" Yachi said happily. 

"Okay sounds good. I'm going to stop by the store to buy some snacks" I said. We parted ways and I headed to the nearest grocery store. I walked to the snacks section and picked our favorite chips, drinks, and candies. I checked out and walked home. When I got to the door of my apartment I heard footsteps behind me and turned around expecting to see yachi.

 "Oh hey Kageyama," I said. "Hey y/n, are you having a party and you didn't invite me?" Kageyama said, glancing down at the bags full of snacks I was holding. " If I was having a party you'd be the first person I'd invite. Yachi is sleeping over tonight so I got us some stuff to eat" I said. "Okay well have fun and be safe" Kageyama said kindly as he waved goodbye and disappeared into his apartment.

 I smiled and heard the elevator ding and the doors slowly opened. Yachi walked out of the elevator and began walking towards me. We walked into the apartment and I placed the bags on the kitchen table. Yachi pulled the chips out of the bag and said "My favorites!" We spent the evening watching movies while eating snacks and talking about what I did in California. After hours of eating and chatting, we both started to fall asleep.

 The next morning I woke up to Yachi making breakfast. She had made eggs and bacon with a side of toast. "Wow, this looks really good!" I said to yachi as I pulled out a chair and sat down where a plate had been set for me. "Thanks!" Yachi said, smiling as she sat down in the chair across from me and began eating. After we finished eating I washed the dishes and cleaned up. Yachi grabbed her stuff and headed home "Bye yachi!" I said waving as she waved back and closed the door behind her. In the evening I made myself dinner and went to bed soon after.

 A few days later it was February 14th, the day of the valentine's festival. I woke up at 10:00 am and yawned. A few minutes later I got a text from Kageyama that said "Can't wait to hang out with you later tonight. I'll come over at 6" I was excited to see him but nervous because I wasn't completely sure I could go through with telling him how I felt.

 An hour before Kageyama was coming over I began to get dressed. I struggled to pick something to wear and ended up with a floor covered in shirts, pants, and dresses. I finally decided on an outfit when I heard a knock at the door. I hastily finished getting ready and opened the door. 

"Hey Kageyama, come in," I said smiling. Kageyama didn't move. He appeared to be speechless. "You look beautiful," Kageyama said wide-eyed. "Oh thank you," I said, blushing. "Are you ready to go?" Kageyama asked. "Yes," I said happily and we were on our way. 

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