chapter fourteen

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dracos pov:

Tewkesbury and i was talking until we heard a bang from upstairs.

i wouldn't normally care but it was from y/n's other room, she used to pass out a lot as a child from the smallest stuff to the biggest so as soon as i heard the bang i ran up the stairs while being followed by Tewkesbury.

even though i can be a dick to her she is always going to be my little sister and i will never stop caring about her.

when i got there, the door was locked so i knocked on the door..

"y/n, it's draco let me in." i said with a cold voice.

"i tripped theres no need to i'm fine. i just want to sleep.." y/n replied back with a shaky voice.

i decided to let to go and not to worry even though she was probably upset which is understandable,
Tewkesbury seemed to care a lot since he was out of breath from running up to stairs and all way down the hall just to get to y/n.

there are a good match if you ask me but he's not y/n's type at all. Tewkesbury was more of a posh and player sort of guy while y/n already had her life planned out but since the whole "chosen by the dark lord" y/n doesn't know what to do anymore which is understandable.

y/n's pov:

"hermione you need to leave before draco and Tewkesbury sees you.." i said brushing off my clothes.

"but y/n..-" she spoke before i cut her off...

".. hermione there's no time i'll speak to you tomorrow" i said pushing her out of the door before hermione spoke up..

"...y/n, please listen to me!" hermione whispered shouted which shut me up instantly not wanted to be caught by draco.

"why are you ignoring us?" hermione asked with a sad voice

"i'm not, it's just i don't want to be caught by draco he will tell my mother and she won't be happy me "socialising" with gryffindors" i replied, if you ask me that was a good excuse... well it wasn't an excuse at all it was true except it was father that draco would tell to try and make him proud but it back fires when he calls him a "snitch", but luckily he was still in azkaban.

if i was honest harry was making me weak. father always said that love is for weak people and feeling nothing is better but if i'm honest i would rather feel love then be numb my whole life.

my mind would constantly be on the task that i had to complete with draco to be classed as "loyal" but i want to speak to draco and try and to get him to change his mind but the last thing i wasn't right now is to fall out with him in the darkest time.

Once hermione left i went to dracos dorm room, which luckily is only his, to speak to him..

when i got there i knocked on the door and entered to see draco looking down at his dark mark with a straight face.

"draco.." i said which drawed his attention to me, he looked at me with red eyes and his messy hair was everywhere.

"we don't have to do this you know.." i said coming closer to him to sit on his chair which is near his bed.

"it isn't that easy y/n, he will kill both of us.." draco replied glumly

"how will he find us though, we can help harry-" i said standing up to face him when he cut me off by him standing up to look intermediating and spoke

"help potter?, y/n have you gone mad he's a half blood and a gryffindor. i don't want them words to come out of your mouth again y/n." draco said turning red out of anger.

"blood this. blood that. i don't give a fuck about blood nor about gryffindor's all i wanted was to be happy and not feel numb or hide my feelings because it makes me "weak"..." i replied inching closer to him

".. you don't have to be friends with harry but if you want to live a normal life without voldermort controlling us, i would consider doing it.." i finished. i'm not scared anymore about being possibly killed for not doing my "task" right or was afraid of him.

"i bet that sounded great in your head, now let's come back to reality and work on the task tomorrow first thing in the morning now get out and leave me the fuck alone" draco replied sharply

great i shouldn't have said anything. all he wanted was to father to be proud of him for the completing the task but we both knew it wouldn't happen

"of course.. of fucking course, you don't want to ruin your big ego by helping potter, look at me i'm draco malfoy who is a death eater and has major daddy issues, instead of thinking i just want my father to be proud even though he's a dickhead but i'll do anything..." i pocked, it sure hurt him but he quickly covered it with a laugh. it wasn't a small laugh it was more like a cackle.

"y/n your blinded by love.." he replied and with that i turned on my heel and stormed out his dorm. not to cry but to try and get over my feelings for harry and cover it with Viscount Tewkesbury.

was it a bad idea? probably. but i'll do anything to make harry be safe and away from me...

hope you enjoyed!!

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