chapter two

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                              death eater

y/n's pov:

i've been at hogwarts for almost a 3 weeks now hopped in the shower ready to meet with harry at hogsmeade.

he told me that hermione and ron was going too and to make sure no one follows me. i don't know why but i cant tell myself not to go, even though i probably shouldn't go, my mind keeps telling me that they was going to kill me or something because i'm a malfoy or try get something out of me but i pushed the thoughts away.

once i was was ready, i went down stairs to see pansy and draco looking cosy on the sofa together, if i'm honest i'm glad they was so i could quickly get out of the room without them noticing or questioning where i'm going.

i got to the great hall to see harry wasn't there. i guessed he was already at hogsmeade so i left.

after minutes of looking for the three broom sticks i entered and seen the trio already sitting at a table.

i went over to the table to be greeted by them all and surprisingly they didn't treat me any different, we was getting along and just talking when harry spoke up.

he made sure that no one was looking and whispered in my ear

"you can't tell anyone, but since umbridge doesn't teach us real spells we made secret lessons after school hours, we was wondering if you want to join?" for some reason harry whispering in my ear sent shiver down my spine. i pushed it away and managed to say some words

"i would love to harry but umbridge is making me part of her stupid squad because draco made her" i replied.

i told draco not to but he said we will get extra credit. "oh" ron replied obviously thinking i was going to rat him out

"don't worry though i won't tell and i'll make sure they don't catch you" i said, they all looked at me and smiled apart from harry he seemed upset i'm not surprised he watched someone get murdered and you-know-who-is back, and god knows who else was there i wanted to ask him so many questions but i didn't.

harry's pov:

i keep thinking back to the moment when cedric died and how voldemort is back and most importantly one of my friends father was there. i couldn't tell y/n it would brake her, i didn't really want to invite her to DA, i wanted to tell her about her father but i just couldn't,

y/n is a sweet and likeable girl i just hope she doesn't turn into her father.

hermione and ron glanced at me in confusion but i just shook my head, y/n was clueless to what's was going on and it's probably my fault for not telling her, but there's no proof he was there, y/n picked up her pumpkin juice and so did i, we took a sip

"y/n your fathers a death eater" ron blurrted out, as soon as he said it he cover his mouth me and y/n both spat our drinks out

"RON!" hermione shouted while nudged him.

y/n faced dropped

"y/n i'm so sorry i didn't meant it come out" ron added, she didn't say anything she just stared at the ring on her fingers.

"y/n" i said but was cut off straight away "it's fine" she smiled, it was fake obviously.

"y/n, do you want to come to the bathroom with me" hermione asked glancing at ron

"sure" she replied with hermione getting up and leaving.

nice one ron.

y/n's pov:

i wasn't surprised when they told me i already knew since i was 4 when father would play "who can be loyal to voldermort" with me and draco.

i just didn't want harry to find out since my father is working for the person who killed his parents.

father didn't really want to be around when we was growing up so he often left on business trips aka death eater "trips"

the dark lord sees me and draco as his followers, but really we both hate him, he used to whisper stuff in my ear telling me how much i reminded him of young tom, i never told anyone though mum and dad wouldn't care they was to afraid to speak up to him and i didn't want to panic draco.

when hermione and i got to the bathroom she gave me a sad look before i gave in.

tears streamed down my face. i was never the type of person to cry infront of new people but the thought of harry hating me brought me to tears.

i slid down the wall and hermione came by my side to comfort me

"why me" i managed to choke out, hermione looked at me and a tear rolled down her rosy cheek.

"your not born a monster y/n, it's the choices you chose" hermione added.

when i was back at the manor i would often smash stuff up out of anger and sadness, it was the way dad dealt with stuff, draco often did it too and everytime he did i would end up on the roof with him staring at the stars, it helped him calm down. he knew all the stars names his favourite one was called scorpius.

i stood up and hermione gave me a confused look until she saw my arm rail back out of anger her face dropped and she quickly stood up.

before i knew it the mirror on the wall was smashed into pieces scattered everywhere while my knuckles was over flowing with blood
"y/n" she started giving me a sympathetic look

i couldn't say anything i felt chocked due to my sobs.

hermione didn't say anything else she just came over to me and wrapped her arms around my shoulders and squished me tightly to her while i cried for god knows how long.

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