chapter twenty-three

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y/n's pov:

once i aparted to the field i layed there staring up at the stars above me still in my white now stained  wedding dress.

i felt guilty for what i did and it was probably the alcohol in my system which made me do that but deep down i knew who i loved.

i was sick of feeling miserable all the time and choosing someone who almost killed my brother over a sweet gentlemen.

i still had the firewhiskey bottle in my hand and it soon became empty.

i layed there for a while until i nodded off into a slumber.

i didn't know how long i was there until i was shaken awake by someone.

once i opened my eyes, the bright sun shined in my face which made me instantly shut them again.

i felt groggy and had a massive headache from the alcohol.

i was shaken again but this time they spoke up;

"y/n?" a familiar said softly.

i opened my eyes to see hermione granger looking down at me with confused eyes.

i sat up and looks around to see the field in day light.

there was a big tree with bright green leafs and rope swing attached to one of the smaller branches.

i turned my head to the other side just to see emerald green grass surrounding us.

"what are you doing here?" hermione asked which made last nights events come to my mind.

i suddenly realised what happened two days ago and which hermione probably hated me since most people thought that draco and i was the ones to kill dumbledore.

i look at her with my grey eyes sharply but her eyes softening.

"harry told me what happened... i'm not mad i'm just disappointed that you didn't tell us we could of helped you.." hermione said sitting down in front of me, i nodded at her i felt guilty and extremely hung over but all whatever someone talked about was shouting helping me and i don't want their help.

hermione wore a light summer dress looking better then ever while i was sat their with a long heavy dirty white dress on with a bottle of firewhiskey in my hand from the other night.

"i'm guessing the wedding didn't go to plan?" hermione asked picking the grass from in front of her

"it did, but i walked out near the end of the party, i guess it didn't feel right.." i replied rubbing my eyes

"why?.. oh my i'm sorry for asking so many questions-" she started to say before i cut her off. as much as i liked hermione i was hungover and tired and couldn't listen to her jabbing on

"harry.." i interrupted her. once i said the reason hermione instantly shut up and looked at me before a small smile washed over her face but she wouldn't admit it but she soon turned back to normal when she started to speak

"i'm going to tell you.. you have the right to know but don't say i said!.. she pointed her finger at me and  smiled and then carried on her story

"... harry was sad when you left, he wouldn't admit it but you could tell when ron made a comment about all slytherins being bad and he hopes it hadn't travelled to him since he was apparently forced into sleeping in the common room" hermione said slapping her hand over her mouth from the last part.

"charming.. ronald now hates me" i said leaning back on the grass to look up at the clear blue sky

".. how come you came here, in the muggle world? out of all places?" hermione asked laying down next to me.

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