chapter eighteen

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y/n's pov:

the next morning i was woken up by the sun coming through my window.

last nights advents left me tired.

i groaned and stood up out of bed to pull my curtains shut.

i was so tired and all i wanted to do was sleep right now but when i turned around and saw Tewkesbury asleep with one of my blankets on the sofa.

i watched him sleep for a bit. his chest rising and falling and his calming face was just to mesmerising.

i soon snapped out of when i said i was going to write mother.

without waking up Tewkesbury i managed to grab a piece of spare parchment i found on my desk and my quill and started writing.

dear mother,

i'm sorry for what happened yesterday night at the manor.

i think you should know the truth to why he did that.

draco and i was arguing and it got out of hand and i pushed him out of his chair.

i was upset at this moment so when father spoke up i shouted at me.

he didn't take it very well and hit me.. twice.

draco got angry and did what he did.

i'm yet again sorry about what happened yesterday..


i sealed the letter and let spike out of his cage.

yes.. spike, draco named him.

i tied the letter to his leg and watched as he flew off out the window

(i know the slytherin dorms are underwater but chile-)

i watched him until i couldn't see him anymore and went to grab a book to read..

is was a muggle book hermione gave me last year, it's called "Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs"

draco apparently already read it since he called them the eight dwarfs since apparently he images me being one of them since i'm small.

i sat down on my bed reading my book until i heard a tap on my window.. spike.

i rushed over to the window, quietly as i could and untied the letter, that was attached to his leg.

i petted him for a second until he flew away out of the same window he came from.

i sat on the edge of my bed opening the letter that mother sent.


your father already told me what happened.

that you smelt harry potter in your Amortentia, if i would of known that i wouldn't of blamed your father.

right know he is currently in hospital, and he will be staying there for a long time since there is a high risk of death which was caused by the broken nose going to far to the brain.

i think it would be best if you and draco would come to the hospital near the manor tomorrow to say your apologises and on the other hand i need to speak to you alone about your Amortentia.

destroy the letter once you read this,


mother was never the best at comforting nor showing love.

i felt a tear run quickly down my face onto the letter i was holding.

i quickly wiped it away knowing if i didn't i would wake Tewkesbury if i sobbed loud enough

i got up and put the letter in my bin next to my desk knowing that no one would read it since i have a dorm to myself.

i went in bathroom and took a quick shower then changed into some clothes.

i came back out to see Tewkesbury still fast asleep on the sofa.

he looked freezing, i went to the end of my bed and picked yet another green blanket and put it over him.

i was about to turn away until i saw a note on the small table beside him.

if your reading this, your awake before me :)
draco told me to tell you that he wanted to speak to you when you first wake up. meet him in his dorm
~ viscount

when i read the note i put my shoes on and went to dracos dorm..

"draco it's me.." i said knocking twice but no response

"i know you can hear me open up, dickhead!" i raised my voice now banging on the door with my palm

i heard a groan from inside and footsteps come closer to the door

"go away parkinson.." Zabini said from inside the room

"excuse you! it's y/n, is draco there?" i said a little louder then i should have

"shit sorry one second." Zabini said from inside. he muttered a spell with made the door open.

"he's not here, he left early, i'm not sure where though he's been acting weird recently sneaking around and shit..sorry" Zabini said with a small smile on his face.

for response i gave him a small smile back and went to find the room of requirement.

so i know this was quite short and doesn't have harry in BUTTTT next one definitely will <3

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