chapter four

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umbridge's office

y/n's pov:

the next morning i was woken up by a loud rumble.

i shot up looking around when my eyes fell on ron holding his stomach, and we looked at each other for a second and burst out laughing.

we was laughing for a couple of minutes until i spoke up.

"you should get changed into your uniform, i'll meet you down at breakfast, there's a bathroom on the left" i said running up the stairs towards my dorm to get ready.

once i was ready i headed down to the great hall, i saw hermione ron and harry all sat at the gryffindor table.

i wanted to go sit with them but they all looked to stressed and deep in thought i flashed them all a smile before i sat at the slytherin table.

draco and pansy where no were to be seen, i ate some toast and saw the trio run out of the great hall, i finished eating my toast and started to head back to my common room to get a book since my OWLs was today, and i haven't studied since i got here, father and mother will probably be mad.

i was on my way towards the slytherin common room when i heard a grunt, i turned my head to see hermione and ron shaking harry's lifeless body.

i was stunned when i saw harry on the floor, he wasn't answering hermione or ron's calls he was just on the floor staring at the wall behind me.

i quickly snapped out of it and ran towards the trio,

"harry?!" i shouted shaking him.
"whats wrong?!" i shouted again

"Sirius" harry replied looking at hermione and ron.

"who's that?" i asked looking at hermione.

"harry's god father-" she replied being cut off by harry

"we need to go now" he shot up pushing past us all and ran for the moving stairs.

i was stunned. i didn't know if i should go aswell or stay there, i didn't know how long i was there for until harry snapped me out of my thought

"y/n, are you coming?" it sounded more like a statement then a question, i nodded before running up the stairs to meet the trio.

we was running for god knows how long until we made it to umbridge's office.

we heard a fake loving and sickly voice "where do you think you three are going?" she asked looking at the trio, but not me

"i'm here too" i said crossing my arms over my chest a bit self conscious,

she snapped her glare onto me,

"ah miss malfoy, go find your brother i expect he is trying to find the rest of your group" she spat the last part braking eye contact with me to glare at the trio.

harry put his hand on my arm to tell me to go but if there getting into trouble then so am i.
i shook his hand off.

"no" i replied, she looked at me, her face expressions changed into a frown but she wouldn't stop

"miss malfoy, you will not disobey my orders, please go to and find mr malfoy, now"she smiled again sickly.

i looked at her and back at harry, he nodded as i started walking out of her office.

once i found draco he had neville, i felt so bad for neville he has always been scared of draco and when he saw me his face tensed up.

i expected everyone else was already in umbridges office. he held him with his arms behind his back.

"draco let go of him" i said hoping he would, but i doubt he would. Neville's face softened when he heard what i said but i saw draco tense up,

"and why would i do that hes a blood traitor" he replied staring at me as if i've gone mad.

i wasn't going to win when it came to draco he was extremely stubborn. i gave neville an apologetic look before turning around and heading back towards umbridge's office.

when i got to umbridge's office i saw harry tied up to a chair i gave him a sad look before braking eye contact to see who else was here hermione, ron, luna, ginny and neville.

umbridge leaned forwards so there wasn't much space between them

"you was going to dumbledore weren't you?" umbridge said leaning closer to harry

"no" he replied, umbridge raised her hand and slapped harry right round the face.

i was about charge at umbridge until draco let go of neville to grab me.

"lair" she spat back at harry.

suddenly snape walked through the door,

"professor, you sent for me?" he asked looking at all of us and then back at umbridge.

" yes the time has came for answers"she replied.

i didn't really listen to the next part i stared out the window i probably should of listened because when my attention was drawn back umbridge mentioned the crucio curse, which i expected her to use it on harry.

i was about to speak up when hermione beat me to it

"that illegal" she spoke with bravery but you could tell she was terrified.

"if he won't know,it won't hurt him" she replied putting the picture of Fudge face down on the table.

hermione and ron tried to leap forwards but the slytherins held them still.

i knew it was all on me now, draco let go of me ages ago and i didn't realise.

"i won't let you!" i shouted taking my wand out leaping in front of harry, umbridge was shocked that i stood up for a gryffindor.

draco came running forwards taking me wand out of my hand and pulling me back while umbridge chuckled to herself

"i can see mr malfoy is responsible, you should try be more like him then you might succeed in life" she smiled again looking down on me.

i always used to be compared to draco my whole life, my face instantly dropped and she obviously noticed

"whats wrong dear? hit a nerve?" she asked in a sickly tone, dracos grip firmed as she said that.

draco knew how much it bothered me and he didn't say a word.

"leave her alone!" harry shouted making me jump back and everyone's head to snap on him.

"just shut up before you get into more trouble and tell me where you was going to!" she shouted making me flinch, i just wanted to go back to my dorm and it's only 9am, i don't think this day could get any worse, but infact it did.

this chapter was extremely long but i think this was one of my favourite chapters by far it really shows y/n and harry care for each other!! it always shows what draco's and y/n's relationship is like, the next chapter is going to be explaining what happened after umbridge caught them and then going to present tense, thank you for reading <3

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