chapter seventeen

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y/n's pov:

once we both got back to hogwarts draco rushed to his dorm so i was left stood there in the middle of the common room with tears streaming down my face.

i spoke up to my father and this got me here.

draco didn't speak one word to me when we got back, as a person who has known draco malfoy all my life i know when to give him some space so i didn't bother going after him.

i didn't realise how long i was standing there until i heard Tewkesbury's foot steps behind me which made me turn to face him.

"y/n.. what happened?, your face is all red and bruised?" he quickly said while coming towards me in a rush

i didn't respond instead i just looked up at him while still crying.

i wasn't the type of person to cry infront of people, but being hit by your own blood hurt.

"y/n, you can talk to me.." his voice rang as my eyes darted to the floor.

"not here.." i whispered, i took a quick look at him which his face was covered with concern.

he took my hand and went up the stairs to my other room, which i basically slept there now since me and pansy are no longer friends.

once we got in i fell onto the bed, looking up at the ceiling above me.

i heard Tewkesbury lock the door and then layed down beside me waiting for me talk whenever i was ready

"my father is back, draco and i used a portkey to speak to him since he wanted to.. he said we was taking to long on the cabinet and asked if there was someone distracting us..." i said while some more tears prickled in my eyes

"... things got out of hand and i pushed draco off his chair and was going to punch him until father grabbed me, i made him angry by saying the truth and he slapped me...twice.." i said leaving a few things out that probably was for the best

"i fell to the ground and i felt like i couldn't feel anything. everything hit me so hard not just the slap reality did. i was scared to look back up knowing
that he won..." i carried whilst sobbing and then sitting up and so did he so i could see him

"..but when i looked up i saw draco on top of him.. hitting him harder and harder each punch. mother cried and shouted at the top of her lungs for him to stop but draco was to angry to realise she was even talking...

...when i stood up to grab draco off him there a huge puddle of blood all around him, his nose obviously broken. he didn't look the same, you wouldn't of even known it was him if you wasn't there. i thought he was going to kill him viscount.." i sobbed more staring at him. his eyes was watery probably for seeing me this sad or the story.

it was also the first time i called him by his name, i was to upset and hurt to even care.

he didn't respond.

instead he grabbed me squished me into a hug. i didn't dare stop him, this was a new feeling. it was comfort.

he soon lifted me onto this lap while he rubbed my head telling me that everything was okay.

Tewkesbury's pov:

after awhile of numb legs and stroking her platinum blond hair she soon fell asleep in my arms.

seeings her in such pain broke me and some how i didn't manage to cry, well atleast when she wasn't awake.

i finally got the courage to place her in her bed and pull the covers over to make sure she wouldn't get cold.

i was watching her peacefully sleeping when i heard a knock on the door.

"y/n.." dracos voice said hushed and calmly

i went over to the door and unlocked it and opened it

"y/n's asleep, she told me what happened at the manor, how's your knuckles?" i instantly said looking down at his knuckles which was all busted and probably broken when he entered the dorm

"there okay now thanks, when y/n wakes up tomorrow can you tell her to come to my dorm to talk.." i nodded at his answer while we both glanced at y/n sleeping peacefully.

"you know i do really care about y/n.." i said changing the subject

"i know... thank you." he said giving me a small smile before leaving to go back to his dorm.

i walked over the y/n's bed kissed her head and grabbed one of her blankets off the end of her bed and slept on the sofa next to her bed.

there was no way i was going to leave her.. not like this.

for all the people that ship y/n and Tewkesbury, hope you enjoyed :D

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