chapter seven

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harry's pov:   

when i got back to hogwarts the day after Sirius died, all i wanted to do was sleep and of course see y/n and make sure she is okay. i went looking for her in the great hall but couldn't see her anywhere. i went to look in the slytherin common room but again she wasn't in sight.

i started getting bad feelings that umbridge has hurt her or locked her away somewhere. after i looked everywhere she could of been i got the courage to ask pansy parkinson where she was. i seen her at the great hall with some other slytherins eating, when she saw me coming her way she rolled her eyes. brilliant

"uh hi, have you seen y/n anywhere?" i asked standing awkwardly next to the table.
"she went home early with draco" she replied
"do you know why?" i asked clearly looking confused
"no, but why does a gryffindor wanna know about dracos sister?" she replied laughing and looking at her friends. i decided i wouldn't argue back and walk away back to hermione and ron.
"so?" hermione asked looking at me.
"she went home early with malfoy" i replied, i got a bad feelings about this since her father was there. i decided i write to her to make sure she was okay, i said my goodbyes to ron and hermione and go back to my dorm to get my parchment and quill to write her an owl.
when i write it i read over it.


hey y/n,
i couldn't find you anywhere when i came to look for you to make sure you was okay. pansy parkinson told me that you and malfoy went home early, if you don't mind me asking. could you tell me why, i panicked at first because i thought umbridge might of done something to you, please owl me back after. ron also owled mrs weasley, she said you can always come by to the borrows whenever you like to hang out. please message me back once you get this to make sure you are okay.
i will miss you over summer break. stay safe

harry potter.

once i read it, i took gave it hedwig and muttered malfoy manor and went back to the great hall to eat with hermione and ron. if i'm honest i'm weirdly scared about this situation, she would of said her goodbyes when she left or told us. but i let it blow when i got back to the gryffindor table. i sat down and chatting with hermione and ron until, it was the time to leave hogwarts for the year.

y/n's pov:

the next day after me and draco got a visit from voldermort himself, i decided i would stay in my room and study. i couldn't face my mother since what she has put me through.

once voldemort left mother came running in and telling us not to brake up with our current partner since we are going to have arranged marriages since were now officially a death eater. if i was honest draco didn't seem to care that he had to brake up with pansy and of course i wasn't officially dating anyone so i didn't have to brake up with anyone.

at first when mother told me this i wondered who it would be. i didn't want a forced marriage. i would have to spend most of my life with god knows who.

i was deep in though staring down at my book, that i haven't read one line off, when a white owl came through my window. i knew who owl this was.

it was harry's.

i shot up running towards the owl to get my letter.

once i got the letter i opened it


hey y/n,
i couldn't find you anywhere when i came to look for you to make sure you was okay. pansy parkinson told me that you and malfoy went home early, if you don't mind me asking. could you tell me why, i panicked at first because i thought umbridge might of done something to you, please owl me back after. ron also owled mrs weasley, she said you can always come by to the borrows whenever you like to hang out. please message me back once you get this to make sure you are okay.
i will miss you over summer brake. stay safe

harry potter.

when i read the letter i felt my heart brake.
if mother found out i was owling harry she would hate me and so would draco.

i made sure my mother or draco was near my room when i pulled out my quill and parchment.


i'm safe, and thank you for the thought but me and my family are going on holiday.


i knew i hate to let him hate me. i couldn't let him be in anymore danger then he is already in.

i just wanted to sleep and this all be over.
i haven't seen draco since yesterday, he won't answer me when i knock on his door, ive never felt so alone. i normally sit in my room and just trace over my dark mark with my finger thinking this is only dream and i'll wake up soon.

but it doesn't.

and dreams don't come true

okay hellooo, this was probably a boring part of the story since there both at home now!!

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