chapter five

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y/n's pov:

yesterday went in a blur, everything fell so fast.

after harry was caught by umbridge he managed to escape and go to london to go save his godfather, he asked me to come with him and the rest but i couldn't umbridge would be mad and so will all the slytherins, i hugged harry before i left and told him to be safe, i sat in umbridges office while the rest threw up at the sweets ron gave them, of course draco didn't take any he wasn't never had a sweet tooth but i was glad he didn't.

once we was aloud to go back to our common rooms after what happened in the morning, i was worried sick but i wouldn't let draco know that, the OWLS what called off which i was happy about, but i still decided to study with draco. we was sitting there reading when an owl came flying in and dropped a letter right on my lap, i felt my heart drop, i thought about how harry could have been killed or something bad has happened to all of them but i noticed the hand writing straight away. it was my mother's.

i opened the letter while draco watched me intensely

draco and y/n,

as you have both probably heard, potter and his friends broke into the ministry of magic. they then duled with your father, and other death eaters, aunt bellatrix killed Sirius black. they all was soon caught by the minister and your father is going to azkaban, this might all be confusing and new news, i will explain the whole thing when you arrive back at the manor this evening, i have informed dumbledore which he is okay with it . i have someone important here to speak to you both, please owl me back when you get this

Narcissa Malfoy.

draco must have read over my shoulder because i felt his features tense up.i felt tears in my eyes, we both knew what was going to happen and we was both afraid, harry would hate me.

me and draco was packing all of our belongings since we knew we wasn't going back until next year, mother told professor dumbledore, since he was back, that something bad has came up and to send us home early. i knew if i saw harry now it would hurt so i didn't bother going to look for him nor hermione and ron. i decided it would keep them safe as long as they was away from me.

we arrived to the fire place, i went first. i picked up some floo powder "malfoy manor" i shouted before letting go of the powder.
once i arrived i moved away from the fire place so draco could come next. i look up to see my mother figure staring down at me with a hurt expression on her face but brought me into a hug but soon stopped when draco came out of the fire place. mother was the first person to brake the silence. "kids go up stairs unpack, i will speak to you after" she said putting on a brave face

draco and i went upstairs. i unpacked until i heard a massive crash towards dracos room. i dropped my clothes and ran towards dracos room. "draco?" i knocked on the door. he didn't answer. "draco i'm coming in" i said while twisting the doorknob. when i entered i saw draco on the floor hugging his knees and his face buried into them. we both knew what was happening, even though we was quite close i knew he wanted to be alone but i wouldn't let him be alone not right now when the dark lord will be arriving at the manor any time today or tomorrow. "draco" i said sinking down next to him. in this situation you wouldn't think to be calm, but i weirdly was, it feels like a massive nightmare that i'll soon wake up from but i never woke up. reality started kicking in when i heard the door open from down a couple flights of stairs, draco must of heard it too because he shot up sorting himself out. i was in shock i didn't move all i could thing about what harry and how much he would hate me, he wouldn't even trust me anymore which broke my heart.

that's when i realised.

i was in love with harry potter.

y/n moving fast lmao, y/n and draco are back at malfoy manor and the dark lord has arrived. also i know Lucius didn't go to Azkaban straight away but i think the story works better since it's all on y/n and draco now. BUT PLEASE COMMENT AND TELL ME IF YOU LIKE IT I HAVENT GOT A LOT OF VIEWS RECENTLY LMAOO

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