chapter nine

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                                 future husband
harry's pov:

once i saw y/n yesterday when she caught us spying on draco, we went back to the burrows.

y/n seemed off and more upset and if i'm honest i probably know why. she didn't write to me and whenever she did it would be short or blunt. i decided i would owl her to make sure she was okay, i went and grabbed my quill and my parchment.


yesterday i noticed you seemed off or upset.
i'm just writing to you to tell you that if you need anything ron, hermione and i are here whenever you need.

mrs weasley says that your welcome anytime at the burrows, she's heard a lot about you and she said your unique and different, which is a good thing, you should meet her one day she's lovely.

can't wait to see you in two days


i knew it was dangerous to send letter but i couldn't help it, y/n was off and i know something is wrong. i gave it to ron's owl and headed down stairs to eat breakfast with the weasleys.

y/n's pov:

tomorrow draco and i would be returning back to hogwarts. i was nervous and scared, i didn't want to hurt anyone most importantly live as a death eater forever.

mother found draco someone for him to marry.

it was against two people Pansy Parkinson or Astoria Greengrass, and surprisingly he choice Astoria. mother is still trying to find me someone she wanted Adrian Pucey but draco wouldn't allow her. he's already left school and i will be going into year 5 so it wouldn't be right and if i'm honest i'm glad.

but mother insisted i would get married and try live a normal life but i doubt that's the case. She said it was a nice young man named The Viscount Tewkesbury, Marquess of Basilwether. a long weird ass name. apparently draco knows him and mother knows his mother, draco wasn't the happiest when he found out because cause apparently he's a "fuck boy".

but mother said to give him a chance since he will be starting new at Hogwarts tomorrow.

i didn't realise i was so deep in thoughts when i heard a screech of an owl drop on my lap. not the letter.

the owl.

i got the letter out of the owls mouth and stroked the it before it flew off.

when i opened it i knew who it was. harry.

i knew i wouldn't answer or reply bluntly but it was only for harry's safety. i wouldn't be selfish i need him to understand that but it would be even more dangerous.

i put the letter with the rest in my draw and added some light makeup and went downstairs to meet with mother and draco. today was the day that i would be meeting Tewkesbury. i wasn't nervous nor upset. i felt nothing.

mother brought us towards the fire place where we transported to Tewkesbury's house.

when we arrived my draw dropped.

the house was twice as big as the manor. she didn't lie when she said they was rich but i didn't expected this at all.

i saw a small lady speed walk towards us squishing mother in a hug.

" you have grown to a fine young man" she smiled grabbing his cheek, i snickered and quickly disguised it with a cough so she didn't notice.

she then turn her attention on me, her eyes glistening and her smile grew bigger.

"y/n... wow your gorgeous.." she said squeezing me in a hug, i smiled in return and then i saw him.

Tewkesbury.. my draw dropped, he was gorgeous.
he was tall. he had beautiful brown eyes and not to mention his smile was. adorable..

i didn't realise i was staring until draco snickered which snapped me back into reality. he smiled at me and then shook mother's hand and kissed it then turned to me. oh god. he took my hand and kissed. he starred into my eyes then down to my lips.

i realised mother and his mother was already heading inside. draco was still stood there watching in an awe. but reality hit, he's a player and harry.

i took my hand out of his and cleared my throat and followed my mother inside. i can't get harry off my mind as much as Tewkesbury was gorgeous, my mind and heart  just wanted harry potter. i heard draco apologise as i walked off in a fast pace. with harry and Tewkesbury both at hogwarts i didn't know how i was going to manage.

OKAY HELLO, i haven't updated in a while but i will be trying to update more since i brake up from school on the 18th december for christmas brake so i will have a lot of time, ALSO MY BIRTHDAY IS IN 11 DAYS AHHHHH, also thank you so much i have noticed recently that a lot of people have added this story to there list, make sure to vote it helps me grow TYSM AHHHH! <3

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